12 (twelve) Core Principles of what it means to be a "Conservative"; what guides you & governs your thinking & decision; you may think more to this or some not, I invite you to debate what is missing

by Paul Alexander

1 - Individual Freedom 2 - Limited Government 3 - The Rule of Law 4 - Peace Through Strength 5 - Fiscal Responsibility 6 - Free Markets 7 - Human Dignity 8 - equal opportunity, not equal results...

I would add respect and love of border, flag, anthem, constitution?

Look at Droz’s work and the 12 core principles are:

1 - Individual Freedom

2 - Limited Government

3 - The Rule of Law

4 - Peace Through Strength

5 - Fiscal Responsibility

6 - Free Markets

7 - Human Dignity

8 - Our technical policies should be based on real Science, not political science.

9 - Conservatives advocate equal opportunity, not equal results.

10-Election integrity means easy to vote, hard to cheat, with verifiable results.

11-Our education system should prioritize teaching the ability to do, and instill the interest in, critical thinking.

12-Conservative’s value system is God-centered, not subjective relativism.