Alexander Amalgamated Red Pill News (AARPN) August 13 th 2022 (12 pm noon release)
by Paul Alexander
I am sharing media reports throughout the day that I consider to be interesting and important for you to know; at times & IMO, I will give a 2-3 sentence summary of my thoughts on the story
PRIORITY 1 NEWS (breaking, urgent must knows):
1)Trump Admin-Saudi Nuclear Probe Resurfaces Ahead of Warrant Unseal
2)Trump: All Mar-a-Lago Materials Were ‘Declassified’
3)Ex-CIA chief endorses executing leakers of nuclear secrets after Trump raid bombshell
He means Trump, does he mean all POTUSs? This is very dangerous of him to say this.
4)Facebook can track your Internet history and credit card number on other websites
5)Al Gore on Mar-a-Lago Raid: I’m Sure AG Garland, DOJ, FBI ‘Acted Entirely Properly’
Crawl back under the rock, Al, no one cares what you think, in fact, I will listen to political commentary from LeBron James before I listen to you and I think he is an extreme idiot politically.
6)CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin to Leave the Network
Not to be outdone by his first escapade, yikes, he was masturbating again on camera?
11)Watch: John Bolton and Newsmax Host Eric Bolling Get Into Blowout: ‘Are You Out of Your Mind, Sir’
12)A Trump Indictment Over Mishandling Classified Documents Is Now a Very Real Possibility
14)Djokovic Forced Out of Tennis Tournament by Biden Ban on Unvaxed Travellers
15) Maher: Biden ‘Absolutely’ Shouldn’t Run in 2024
16)Forget inflation, shrinkflation is sparking a fury in Germany; German shoppers are getting increasingly angry at attempts to hike goods prices by stealth
17)FBI Sends 'Clear Message' To Trump, His Supporters: The Swamp Is Real, Rep. Davidson Says
PRIORITY 2 NEWS (important to be aware of):
1)FBI seized top secret documents at Trump's home; Espionage Act cited
2)Warren: If I ‘Had a Penis’ I’d Be President
3)Chinese Media: ‘Partisan Infighting’ Turned U.S. into ‘Banana Republic’
4)India Taunts Beijing by Flying Dalai Lama to Region near China Border
5)Congress Passes $700 Billion ‘Inflation Reduction’ Act
6)Former Federal Prosecutor: ‘Seven Chances in Ten’ Trump Gets Indicted
2)Colleges warn students about monkeypox risk as fall term approaches
Emerging research & evidence pieces:
1)An infectivity-enhancing site on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein targeted by antibodies
3)Marek's disease vaccines: a solution for today but a worry for tomorrow?
4)Unexpected Antitumorigenic Effect of Fenbendazole when Combined with Supplementary Vitamins