At least TEN Canadian young adults ages 20-21 years DIED SUDDENLY in January of 2023; unexplained deaths in young adults are surging in Canada & in 2023, far worse; why is the government silent?
by Paul Alexander
Dr. William Makis, MD, explains that the Canadian health authorities are essentially not interested & do not seem to care about the young Canadian deaths that are piling up; why? PM Trudeau must act
Dr. Makis is chronicling the deaths and see below. His substack on this issue is stunning and I share below for your referral. Subscribe, for like my substack, it is free to you if you do not want to do a paid model.
What are we seeing? What has Makis shared?
My first reaction is that these mRNA technology gene injections must be stopped now. The COVID injection is not only ineffective but very very harmful.
Begin here:
Recent Sudden deaths in young Canadians ages 20-21…
‘Normally, this would be front page news across Canada. But it isn’t. These sudden deaths in Canadian young adults have not been spoken about publicly - not by politicians, not by Public Health Officials, not by Twitter doctors still pushing mRNA.
I remember a tragic mainstream media headline not that long ago:
“Canadian Hockey Captain, 20, dies after collapsing during game: “we are all broken” (click here)
“A community in Canada is mourning the death of a beloved hockey player who died after collapsing during a tournament.
Eli Palfreyman, the 20-year-old captain of the Ayr Centennials, was in the locker room during a pre-season game when he collapsed Tuesday night (August 30, 2022), CBC reported. His mother rushed to the changing room, and the team's trainer began to perform chest compressions. His pulse had become faint by the time he was put in an ambulance and taken to a local hospital. He died shortly after.”
None of the mainstream media reported on the mandatory COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations that all Canadian young adult athletes were subjected to in 2021 and 2022, nor the significant risks of myocarditis and sudden cardiac death in young COVID-19 vaccinated men and women.
Deaths of two Western University (London, Ontario) students & COVID-19 vaccine mandate…
The sudden death of Western University student Spencer Cornelis, age 20, on October 18, 2022 went unreported in the media (click here).
However, the sudden death of Western University student Megha Thakur, age 21, on November 24, 2022, made international headlines, from NBC News (click here) to the UK Daily Mail (click here). Mainstream media were very quick to bring up possible causes of death that were “anything but the vaccine”, especially a heart attack she had suffered 4 months prior (possibly due to COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis that was blamed on “anxiety”).
Western University abandons COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Western University in London, Ontario had the most aggressive COVID-19 vaccine mandate in Canada in 2022. As Global News reported on Sep.7, 2022 (click here):
“Western unveiled its vaccine mandate for the new school year in late August, becoming the only university in the country to mandate booster shots for all staff and students on campus.”
“Students and staff are required to have had at least three COVID-19 shots and must wear medical-grade masks in classrooms and seminar rooms.”
About 5 days after the sudden death of their own student Megha Thakur, Western University quietly abandoned their COVID-19 vaccine mandate (click here):
“Western University has announced it will no longer require staff, students or visitors to be vaccinated against COVID-19, but masks will continue to be mandatory in classrooms on campus.”
“In a statement, Western said it consulted with its medical experts and London's public health officials before making the move.”
Western University made no mention of the sudden deaths of their two students they forced to COVID-19 vaccinate.
COVID-19 Booster uptake in Canadians ages 20-21:
The 2-dose uptake in this age group is very high at 83.1% (click here).
Booster uptake appears low at 9.2% but is it really? This is actually not true. Canadian government has recently changed the way it is reporting booster uptake.
Let’s look at an earlier report from January 10, 2023 which shows 1st booster uptake was 37.3% (click here).
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Canadian government is now deleting data on booster shot uptake. Why hide the data and graphs on uptake of 1st booster dose and 2nd booster dose?
Deaths in ages 20-21 are accelerating…up 200%?
This may be anecdotal, but from October to December 2022, I noted on average three sudden deaths a month for ages 20-21. In January 2023 there have been at least ten. Why are sudden deaths in this age group accelerating?
Are we seeing COVID-19 vaccine damage from the 1st booster rollout during Dec.2021-March 2022, where 37.3% of this age group took the booster shot?
Or are we seeing COVID-19 vaccine damage from the 2nd booster shot rolled out from July 2022 until now, where 6.5% of this age group took the booster shot?
No one is willing to investigate to find the answer. And that is truly disturbing.
Another Sudden death…
As I write this, Niagara College Canada just announced the sudden death of a 21 year old Welding technician student Jackson Dinanath Maniar on February 10, 2023 (click here)
Niagara College Canada had an aggressive COVID-19 Vaccine mandate (click here).