Balenciaga: why is this company allowed to sexualize children, engage in children porn OPENLY? Why has Balenciaga's CEO Cédric Charbit gotten a FREE pass? Should he not be questioned? Cancelled?

by Paul Alexander

People like Charbit are allowed to sexualize children and engage in porn business because they inoculate themselves with élite friends e.g. Mayor Eric Adams NY? Politicians are biggest pedophiles!

Why are children being sexualized and basically companies like Balenciaga can engage in open child porn? Where is the protection for our children? Why is it that the rich and famous always can be linked to child porn? Word is that the biggest highest level pedophilia perps are in government, potentially in congress and senate, high level positions in society and they use their positions of power to stay hidden and ‘get off’. That is the word on the street. Have you heard such?

God help us if this is true. We have to do more to safeguard our children, from the putrid groomers in schools, all over. The sordid teachers with their woke bullshit transgender bullshit. I learnt today transgendering kids as young as 2 years old (TC today)? What madness is that? Which sane nation allows this filth?

We have to pray and pray hard for our children and heighten our watch for the wolf is at the door, lurking for them. They need us as parents to stand up and protect them, I will, we must, you have to stand up and firm.

CEO Cédric Charbit plus with Eric Adams, mayor of NY.