Bhan et al.: "An unusual presentation of acute deep vein thrombosis after the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine-a case report:;

by Paul Alexander

an unusual presentation of acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the right upper extremity of a 27-year-old Caucasian female, 3 days after receipt of her second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

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This is the BLUE-PRINT for a Republican congress and senate to hold the proper investigations to get to the bottom of the manufacture (Gain-of-Function) and release of COVID-19, as well as investigations of all of the COVID lockdown polices, mandates, and the decisions and actions taken in developing and bringing the COVID gene injection (vaccine). This is imperative for any administration to get accountability for all of the policies and decisions made with regards to COVID-19:

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I am sharing these publications and I caution again that we take care with the scientific publications of today, and our interpretations. To be honest it is very corrupted and due to the era of COVID yet one realizes now it always was. However, we are documenting evidence for the hearings and trials we are going to have and I will be a part of this in prosecuting the case of all the wrongs done to society. This is one such study that brings into light the failures of this fraud COVID gene injection.

“Her relevant thrombophilia workup was negative on initial presentation. She was treated with rivaroxaban for 3 months and her symptoms of right upper extremity swelling, and pain improved. Considering our case did not have any evidence of thrombocytopenia, we discuss the possible pathophysiology of acute DVT following Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in contrast to adenoviral vector COVID-19 vaccines (ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and Ad26.COV2.S), including mRNA COVID-19 vaccine binding to pattern recognition receptors (PRR) in the endosomes and cytosol leading to a pro inflammatory cascade and coagulopathy. We highlight the importance of initial workup for acute DVT post COVID-19 vaccination, that should include complete blood count (CBC) with platelet count, international normalized ratio (INR), prothrombin time (PTT), D-dimer levels, fibrinogen levels, platelet factor 4 (PF4)/heparin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) followed by a confirmatory PF4 platelet activation assay such as serotonin release assay, P-selectin expression assay, or heparin induced platelet aggregation (HIPA) assay, and imaging for thrombosis.”