'CDC: New, Highly Infectious XBB.1.5 COVID Variant Spreading Much Faster in NY, NJ Than US'; ok, so what? America has background natural immunity, will handle it, has trillions $ COVID relief $
by Paul Alexander
so what? infectious does not mean lethal! no hospital or doctor etc. can say the hospitals are under strain; Hochul cannot lie here, she has lots of COVID relief money, serious $, hospitals ramped up!
So do your jobs! Hospitals have the money or did they misuse it? Did hospital CEOs steal the relief money? Did doctors take the money? We need this investigated if they are calling for more money and under strain, means the money is not there and stolen. No?
Stop the fear porn and until we have any evidence that this XBB.1.5 is more lethal (which we have zero data), then calm down, and do your jobs.
Moreover, what we see in China are variants that are not appreciably different than what is in the US. So again, calm down!