"CDC Withheld Data on Fatal Reaction to COVID Vaccine From Post-Vax Surveys for Nearly Two Years"; Mike Miller, RedState

by Paul Alexander



‘Anyone shocked by the report that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) withheld data about a potentially fatal complication from COVID-19 vaccinations until it was forced under court order to release the data hasn’t been paying attention to the CDC’s multitude of misstatements and lies over the last two years.

As reported by Just the News, data released under court order shows 1 in 3 among the earliest populations to get vaccinated reported needing medical care, missed school or work, or was unable to “perform normal daily activities,” while the CDC continued to fight to keep the data from the public.

Here’s more, via Just the News:

Among the 10 million-plus users of the agency’s v-safe active monitoring smartphone app through July — 8.5 million of whom signed up between December 2020 and April 2021, before all adults were eligible for COVID vaccines — nearly 8% said they required medical care after receiving the vaccines.

For patients ages 3 and older needing such care, nearly 3 in 4 couldn’t rely on telehealth visits. They required urgent care (48%), emergency room (15%), or hospitalization (10%).

For infants who were authorized to receive the jabs this summer and are enrolled in v-safe through parents or guardians, hospitalizations were much lower (2%) but urgent care [was] much higher (66%).

The v-safe active monitoring smartphone app allows users to quickly share post-vax experiences with the CDC. V-safe uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after users receive a COVID “vaccine.” (COVID-19 “vaccine” is no more a vaccine than is a flu shot.)

The v-safe app proved to be an early hit, with more than 10 million symptom reports filed each month from January through April 2021, dropping to 5 million in May and hovering around 1 million for the next few months. The reports jumped above 2 million again in October following Biden’s (unconstitutional) vaccine mandates for roughly 100 million workers, and dropped dramatically to the low- to mid-hundred thousands from January through July 2022.

Why? Because an overwhelming majority of Americans are over the COVID scare, perpetuated by Biden and the Democrat Party, and the left-wing media sock puppets. Simply, tens of millions of Americans grew weary of Joe “Winter of severe illness and death” Biden’s COVID fearmongering, and have kicked the virus to the curb.

Here’s more, courtesy of JTN:

The v-safe data obtained thus far are posted by the Informed Consent Action Network as both interactive graphs and several gigabytes of files. It got them through ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation against the CDC.

Those are just the data the CDC affirmatively sought through checkboxes on v-safe surveys, which are sent to users daily for the first week after each dose, then weekly for 6 weeks and 3, 6, and 12 months after the final dose.

As JTN noted, it took a year and a half to get “five excel files which likely took the CDC minutes to download and produce,” as ICAN said in its portion of the Nov. 4 joint status report filed with the court.

And here’s the tragedy: Chest pain and other cardiac symptoms that could indicate myocarditis and pericarditis — now known to be more common post-vaccination in people under 40, according to JTN — are completely missing from the survey checkboxes, without which, input data are harder to standardize.

So what’s the problem?

V-safe users would have to take the time to write in cardiac symptoms on the survey form’s “other” field, limited to 250 characters, for them to be counted. Moreover, ICAN is still trying to compel the CDC to turn over its relative “free-text field data,” its lawyer Aaron Siri told Just the News.

The fact the app didn’t prompt users to consider life-threatening complications it had already identified in an early v-safe protocol is “one of the best and most compelling pieces of evidence supporting premeditated [wrongful] conduct,” Siri wrote in the second of what he told Just the News would be at least a 12-part series of posts on the disclosures.

How did the CDC respond?

The CDC said in a court filing it would be “premature and inefficient” for the court “to address the legality of CDC’s withholdings in piecemeal fashion,” as ICAN wants, maintaining that “the records at issue here are not reasonably “segregable,” an argument ICAN called “frivolous.”

The Bottom Line

Maybe it’s just me, but the CDC’s strong resistance to turning over critical, potentially life-saving data is not dissimilar to the Democrat Party’s continuing meltdown over Elon Musk’s restoration of free speech on Twitter. Think about it.

As I’ve previously written, multiple times, the greatest fear of — and threat to — the left is free speech, and in this example, the release of any data or information that runs counter to the Democrats’ continuing efforts to censor “misinformation” that directly contradicts their narrative — including the left’s politicization of the so-called “pandemic.”’