CNN: WHO experts Geneva revised their mRNA technology vaccine guidance saying NOW that healthy infants, children, teens at low risk from COVID; imagine, Alexander, McCullough, Oskoui, Tenenbaum, Risch

by Paul Alexander

we told these idiots, these corrupted morons at WHO, Health Canada, CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, SAGE, at PHAC Canada, we told these malfeasants 3 years now! NEAR ZERO RISK! DO NOT MANDATE! did not listen!

‘The World Health Organization’s vaccine experts have revised their global Covid-19 vaccination recommendations, and healthy kids and teenagers considered low priority may not need to get a shot.

The updated roadmap is designed to prioritize Covid-19 vaccines for those at greatest risk of death and severe disease, according to the World Health Organization’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE).

It is being issued to reflect the Omicron stage of the pandemic and because of countries’ high population immunity levels due to vaccines and infection, the group announced following a recent meeting.’