Dr. Naomi Wolf & Steve Bannon: 'Autopsies Revealed Catastrophic Lesions On Many Organs Likely Caused By Covid Vaccine'; once again Dr. Wolf & Bannon are out front hammering for humanity, huge praise!

by Paul Alexander

Author Naomi Wolf, CEO of Dailyclout, talks to host Steve Bannon about the new report 56 proving that the Covid-19 vaccine causes deadly lesions on the lungs. Pathologist Arne Burkhardt

Naomi Wolf: Autopsies Revealed Catastrophic Lesions On Many Organs Likely Caused By Covid Vaccine; find Dr. Wolf’s updated research with her Daily Clout Research team on her substack as well as on Daily Clout.

Daily Clout researchers must be praised for the tremendous work they are doing to inform America and the world. Steve Bannon must be praised for his relentless look at the damage from the mRNA gene injection. He stands apart.

The new Dailyclout report is based on “a presentation by a pathologist named Dr. Arne Burkhardt in Germany. Dr. Burkhardt and seven other international pathologists … did autopsies at the end of 2021… They autopsied 30 deceased people, and they did so at the request of their loved ones… The loved ones were not satisfied with the results of their first autopsies… These were people ranging from 28 years old to in their 90s…. What they found … is catastrophic lesions throughout the body in many many organs, blood damage, spleen, liver, brain, skin, testes.”

