Dr. Peter McCullough reveals the extent of Big Pharma’s COVID crimes in new book; While individuals within US health agencies such as the FDA & CDC & NIH & NIAID clearly need to be held to account

by Paul Alexander

for their reckless public health decisions, international players – the medical industrial complex – need to be held to account as well. That's the real power base behind these COVID crimes.

  • John Leake, a true crime author, and Dr. Peter McCullough have written a new book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the BioPharmaceutical Complex,” revealing the crimes perpetrated by the medical industrial complex against patients, doctors and the public at large.

  • The American Board of Internal Medicine is threatening to revoke McCullough’s certification – which essentially would shut down his ability to be employed – because in fair-balance he “made public statements that may lead to someone not taking a vaccine.”

