Germany and Excess mortality: Mortality figures in October 2022 19% above the median of previous years; 92,954 people died in Germany in October 2022, according to extrapolated figures of the Federal

by Paul Alexander

Statistical Office (Destatis). This is 19%, or 14,560 cases, above the median of the years 2018 to 2021 for that month; what then is happening in Germany? Is it by any chance linked to the COVID vaxx?

‘Press release No. 480 of 15 November 2022

WIESBADEN – 92,954 people died in Germany in October 2022, according to extrapolated figures of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). This is 19%, or 14,560 cases, above the median of the years 2018 to 2021 for that month. While death figures as well as the difference between death figures and the comparative figures increased significantly at the beginning of the month, both values went down again at the end of the month. Covid-19 deaths, too, reached an interim high in the middle of the month, but they can only partly explain the difference. The ageing of the population had only a slight impact on the difference to the level recorded in previous years. It is currently not possible to estimate the extent to which other factors contributed to the higher figures in October. The results of the causes of death statistics, which will become available at a later date, may provide additional information on this issue.’




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