Governor Kristi Noem Endorses Trump for President: ‘The Fighter Our Country Needs’; “It is my honor to present to you the man in the arena,” Noem said of Trump in an ode to President Teddy Roosevelt’s

by Paul Alexander

“Citizenship in a Republic” speech. “He is a man of significance. He is the leader, the fighter that our country needs. He has my full and complete endorsement for POTUS

‘Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) announced her endorsement of former President Donald Trump on Friday night in Rapid City, South Dakota, at the South Dakota Republican Party’s (GOP) Monumental Leaders Rally, calling him “the fighter that our country needs.” 

“It is my honor to present to you the man in the arena,” Noem said of Trump in an ode to President Teddy Roosevelt’s “Citizenship in a Republic” speech. “He is a man of significance. He is the leader, the fighter that our country needs. He has my full and complete endorsement for president of the United States of America. I will do everything I can to help him win and save this country.”’