I/we warned them, Geert told them: "Get ready for the TRIPLEDEMIC this winter: Children's hospitals are overwhelmed by RSV, flu cases triple in a month & there are early signs of a Covid comeback"

by Paul Alexander

This is because of 2 issues: i) Fauci, Birx, Francis Collins lockdown lunacy & their school closure lunacy & ii) if you inject young children, kids with these COVID jabs, you damage innate immunity


Get ready for the TRIPLEDEMIC this winter: Children's hospitals are overwhelmed by RSV, flu cases triple in a month and there are early signs of a Covid comeback

  • Data shows that cases of RSV, flu and Covid are now all starting to rise in the US

  • This is prompting fears of a 'tripledemic' hitting the health system this winter

  • Doctors warn that other viruses are returning 'with a vengeance' in the US

  • Immunity against them in the population has dropped raising infection risk