Is this the first complete full autopsy on someone who died after taking the COVID gene injection by Esposito et al.? YES! It's outrageous; although subject was fully vaccinated, he died from COVID!

by Paul Alexander

Esposito et al.: 'Death from COVID-19 in a Fully Vaccinated Subject: A Complete Autopsy Report'




‘This case report analyzes the death of a fully vaccinated patient who suffered from comorbidities and died from COVID-19; we provide a complete autopsy data set.

On microscopic examination, the lungs showed massive interstitial pneumonia, areas of inflammation with interstitial lympho-plasma cell infiltrate, and interstitial edema.

The liver showed granulocytes within the hepatic parenchyma.

All these elements were consistent with previous published data on unvaccinated patients who had died from COVID-19. The present study is the first that analyzes, through a complete autopsy and a microscopic analysis of all organs, a death related to COVID-19 despite vaccine administration.

In this regard, to the best of our knowledge, no other studies have been published reporting a complete autopsy. This study reports, on the one hand, the importance of vaccination programs in the fight against COVID-19, and, on the other hand, it hypothesizes that the vaccine does not offer complete immunity to SARS-CoV-2, particularly in elderly subjects with comorbidities.’

2.3. Autopsy Findings

‘The autopsy was conducted according to the recommendations provided for COVID-19 autopsies and for those with a high biological risk [18]. The autopsy was conducted according to the Letulle technique, thus reducing environmental contamination (Figure 1). This technique consisted of carrying out an en bloc resection of all the cervical, thoracic, and abdominal organs to prevent the aerosolization of potentially contaminated biological fluids [19,20]. The coronaries were sectioned and all showed regular lumen and course, slight wall thickening, and no stenoses.

Figure 1. Letulle block, anterior (a), posterior (b).

2.4. Histological Analysis

All the organs were fixed in 10% buffered formalin; after washing, each organ was sampled, and the sections were embedded in paraffin. Using a microtome (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) paraffin-embedded samples were cut into thin slices of 5 micrometers that were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). The slides were viewed under a Zeiss Axioplan light microscope and photographed with a Zeiss AxioCam MRc5 digital camera (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). At H&E staining, the lungs showed areas of chronic emphysema with massive interstitial pneumonia. The lungs showed numerous areas of inflammation with interstitial lympho-plasma cell infiltrate, and an interstitial edema. An increase in pulmonary interstitial fibrosis was also found. The H&E-stained liver showed areas of granulocytes within the liver parenchyma (Figure 2).

Figure 2. H&E x 10. Lungs showed interstitial lympho-plasma cell infiltrate, interstitial edema, and interstitial fibrosis ((ac), yellow arrows). The liver showed granulocytes within the parenchyma ((d), green arrow).’

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Vejon COVID-19 Review
Unbelievable!! First Full Autopsy on Covid Vaccinated Death
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