Key Demonstration from Dr. Murthy on how to use nasal oral wash with Povidone Iodine or hydrogen peroxide to cut the risk of COVID virus to near 0; it is that effective once used in a similar WAY

by Paul Alexander

Povidone iodine or hydrogen peroxide will cut risk of BA.4 or BA.5 from going to further sequelae (~100%) after virus lands in your nostrils (nasal mucosae) or oral mucosae (cavity); for your elderly

If there is one thing you can do today as these dangerous vaccine developers and CDC and NIH criminals push you for more of these failed shots, is to use nasal oral washes. It cuts risk to near zero of progressing infection beyond the nasal-oral mucosae etc.

It is the COVID injection itself, the mRNA injections that are non-neutralizing now (inducing non-neutralizing vaccinal antibodies) and are placing sub-optimal immune pressure on the virus’s spike and driving infectious variant one after the other, and we fear soon (now) and emerging, are variants that would cause severe symptoms in the lower lungs (lower respiratory tract). It is not the virus, it is the injection, the vaccine itself that is making the virus more infectious to the vaccinated population. It is the injection and it is illogical and reckless and dangerous to respond with more vaccine and booster. It is going to be lethal.

I am trying to share information if it will help you. For your parents, elderly grand parents etc. For anyone.


Demonstration from Dr. Murthy on how to use the nasal oral washing with Povidone Iodine or hydrogen peroxide to cut the risk of COVID virus to near 0; it is that effective once used in a similar manner, these are OTC; cuts risk of infection to near zero ‘0