Mishra et al.: "Susceptibility-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Highlights Brain Alterations in COVID Recovered Patients"; why is paper key? you can extrapolate brain injury via COVID vaccine spike

by Paul Alexander

This study suggests association of Long COVID with prolonged effects on the brain & also indicates the viability of SWI modality for analysis of post-COVID symptoms; long COVID is real! spike damage

“In the COVID-19 recovered cohort, nature of COVID infection ranged from mild to severe as inferred from self-reported symptoms. In the group comparison study, we have found significant clusters of abnormal susceptibility in the brain stem as well as in the white matter regions of the inferior frontal lobe which extend to the cortical gray/white matter junctions. These clusters with high SWI values may be a result of microvascular pathologies, cerebral ischemia, or other edematous pathophysiological in the brain. Similar decreased susceptibility in the brain has been reportedly associated with mild cognitive impairment [24] and post traumatic epilepsy [28].”

The point is that the devastation due to the virus is due to the spike protein and thus we have to know the same happens post COVID vaccine.



‘The increasing number of reports of mild to severe psychological, behavioral, and cognitive sequelae in COVID-19 survivors motivates a need for a thorough assessment of the neurological effects of the disease. In this regard, we have conducted a neuroimaging study to understand the neurotropic behavior of the coronavirus. We hypothesize that the COVID recovered subjects have developed alterations in the brain which can be measured through susceptibility differences in various regions of brain when compared to healthy controls (HCs).

Hence we performed our investigations on susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) volumes. Fatigue, being of the most common symptoms of Long COVID has also been studied in this work. SWI volumes of 46 COVID and 30 HCs were included in this study. The COVID patients were imaged within six months of their recovery. We performed unpaired two-sample t-test over the pre-processed SWI volumes of both the groups and multiple linear regression was performed to observe group differences and correlation of fatigue with SWI values. The group analysis showed that COVID recovered subjects had significantly higher susceptibility imaging values in regions of the frontal lobe and the brain stem. The clusters obtained in the frontal lobe primarily show differences in the white matter regions.

The COVID group also demonstrated significantly higher fatigue levels than the HC group. The regression analysis on the COVID group yielded clusters in anterior cingulate gyrus and midbrain which exhibited negative correlations with fatigue scores. This study suggests an association of Long COVID with prolonged effects on the brain and also indicates the viability of SWI modality for analysis of post-COVID symptoms.’