More classified Ukraine documents with Biden? Lawyers for POTUS Joe Biden found more classified documents at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, than previously known; Gergen said what? real bad?

by Paul Alexander

The plot thickens! We wonder what are in those documents? What is it about Ukraine? This Ukraine has emerged as one of the most corrupted places on earth and it's leader, the stiletto DANCER

‘Sauber has previously said that the White House was “confident that a thorough review will show that these documents were inadvertently misplaced, and the president and his lawyers acted promptly upon discovery of this mistake.”

Sauber’s statement did not explain why the White House waited two days to provide an updated accounting of the number of classified records. The White House is already facing scrutiny for waiting more than two months to acknowledge the discovery of the initial group of documents at the Biden office.

On Thursday, asked whether Biden could guarantee that additional classified documents would not turn up in a further search, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters, “You should assume that it’s been completed, yes.”’