'Ontario’s top doctor (Kieran Moore) urges mask wearing, warns mandate could return'; someone should tell inept moronic Moore masks did not work, can never work, stop suffering people; where is the $?

by Paul Alexander

He said the rate of uptake for fourth doses by Ontarians aged 70 and older — around 16 per cent — was “not acceptable” and said public health measures like mandatory masking could return “if necessary

Of course the vaccine uptake is low, the people have figured out the fraud you idiot! They know of people re-infected and severely harmed post vax and dying.

Who cares if its is not acceptable to you Kieran, ‘up yours’.

Who stole, is it the Premier Ford who stole the COVID money in Ontario, is it the MPPs? Or the insiders in the legislature? Is it the lobbyists? Is it the CEOs of hospitals in Ontario or the crooked inept medical doctors themselves who denied early treatment and caused thousands of their patients to die? Someone stole the PPE COVID relief money for now this dimwit knucklehead moron Moore is saying ‘the approach of winter could further jeopardize the province’s struggling health-care system’; I need to ask nutball Moore, where is the money, for you got billions to gear up the hospitals so they are geared up, so it is either you are lying about ‘struggling strained’ system, or you could tell us the tax payers who took the money and bought houses and stashed it away.

I tried to be nice but this dingdong knows the face masks are useless yet is starting his bogus scare tactic. But he will get his way for folk in Toronto, downtown, I kid you not, shower with face masks today still and in hazmat suits and disinfecting full body before and after their shower. They are that looney in Toronto. Yet they have 4 shots out of their eyeballs yet re-infected over and over and entering hospitals but don’t tell them they got snowed, no, they will pull a ‘Karen’ on you and pull her and your hair out.