Recall Ho Chi Minh city Vietnam study (Chau et al.) looking at vaccinated healthcare personnel during Delta variant; viral loads via PCR cycle threshold in vaxxed nurses were 251 times higher than in
by Paul Alexander
infected cases with the original strain in March/April 2020; this study also raised serious questions along with Shitrit & Hatemake studies about benefit of PPE in healthcare settings
This was a seminal study (kept quiet and swept under the rug by media and CDC and NIH and FDA, around June-July 2020) that told us early on after vaccine rollout that the COVID vaccines were failing to prevent infection, replication and transmission. The findings were similar to the Barnstable, Massachusetts outbreak in about early fall.
The study showed us that double vaccinated persons/nurses could become infected and harbored even greater infection. “vaccination may cause asymptomatic or mild disease, but are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies. Epidemiological and sequence data suggested ongoing transmission had occurred between fully vaccinated individuals.” PPE (masks, shields, gowns etc.) in the hospital at least as it related to COVID virus, seemed to have failed.