Rise in Non-Covid-19 Deaths Hits Life Insurers; this is where the action is starting, when the money men, the insurers, start taking a hit; it is my opinion that many of these are due to the VACCINE
by Paul Alexander
Companies believe lack of medical treatment during pandemic has contributed to deaths from other causes
‘U.S. life insurers, as expected, made a large number of Covid-19 death-benefit payouts last year. More surprisingly, many saw a jump in other death claims, too.’
I draw your attention to this by attorney Thomas Renz:
“…..concerned with seeing young soldiers with sudden metastatic cancers, auto-immune diseases, and heart and circulatory disorders that have caused many soldiers to drop out of various training programs. “These doctors were motivated to explore DMED data due to the numbers of case increases they were seeing empirically,” said the whistleblower, who served in the military for many years. “Some physicians throughout the force (all branches) have been intimidated by commands not to perform the full spectrum of testing and adhere to the regulations, which implicitly direct full workups for EUA vaccination adverse reactions. It will require other military physicians to step forward and share experiences to fully ascertain the enormity of these allegations and engender an investigation to the fullest extent.”
Germany: More vaccine side effects than previously known
“An analysis of millions of insured persons' data from the BKK company health insurance company comes to significantly higher figures for side effects than the Paul Ehrlich Institute. The new data are an "alarm signal," says BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.
EFor the first time, the figures from a large German health insurance association are available on the side effects of Covid vaccines. The board of directors of BKK ProVita, Andreas Schöfbeck, had the data of millions of insured persons of the BKK group analyzed. The total number of side effects is therefore many times higher than those reported by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI). In a video call with WELT, Schöfbeck said on Wednesday: "The numbers determined are significant and urgently need to be checked for plausibility."….