"Soaring Deaths of Young Americans": In the first two and a half years of COVID, 150 thousand more American under 45s have died than expected; is it the COVID gene injection? We say 'YES' it is
by Paul Alexander
However, almost half of those deaths have occurred in the last twelve months. Smalley takes a shocking look and the findings are not good; do you have another explanation besides the COVID vaccine?
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This is the BLUE-PRINT for a Republican congress and senate to hold the proper investigations to get to the bottom of the manufacture (Gain-of-Function) and release of COVID-19, as well as investigations of all of the COVID lockdown polices, mandates, and the decisions and actions taken in developing and bringing the COVID gene injection (vaccine). This is imperative for any administration to get accountability for all of the policies and decisions made with regards to COVID-19:
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Whether you think it is the collateral harms of earlier interventions or the mass mRNA experiment, it is an indisputable fact that young Americans are dying at substantially higher rates in more recent times than earlier in the COVID epidemic.
If you do dispute this, show me on the chart below the point at which the life-saving intervention was introduced in 2020-22.
See Smalley’s good work here: