Taurine 2.0, a quasi, semi-essential amino-acid may have more potent properties than we prior realized! seems it can slow the aging process! ‘Supplementation with taurine slowed key markers of aging

by Paul Alexander

such as increased DNA damage, telomerase deficiency, impaired mitochondrial function, and cellular senescence.’; ‘Loss of taurine in humans was associated with aging-related diseases

The Wellness Company (TWC at TWC.health) has reformulated it’s Healthy Heart formula supplement that includes Taurine & will be on the shelf in 3 Q.

This finding could be taken as preliminary and developing and yes, it has to be. But we have to examine this and other possible players that could help support health and improve lives, coupled strongly with improved nutrition and lifestyles, healthier living. Yet the case is building for a beneficial role and we must be willing to look to these types of supplements and away from the fraud and criminality of pharma with their medicalization of the population. Where most of the drugs pushed on us do not work and are toxic. I come at this with an open mind. I wish to learn.





‘Supplementation with taurine slowed key markers of aging such as increased DNA damage, telomerase deficiency, impaired mitochondrial function, and cellular senescence.’

‘Loss of taurine in humans was associated with aging-related diseases, and concentrations of taurine and its metabolites increased in response to exercise. Taurine supplementation improved life span in mice and health span in monkeys.’