Teaching medicine (Gonnering): Many of my colleagues have trouble defining the difference between a male and a female, and what is really astounding, they don’t consider it a problem. “It depends”
by Paul Alexander
has replaced the once solid foundations of biology; race, creed or sexual preference central & has become a stated goal to treat patients fundamentally differently, all in the name of equity.
‘Many of my colleagues have trouble defining the difference between a male and a female, and what is really astounding, they don’t consider it a problem. “It depends” has replaced the once solid foundations of biology. Instead of treating patients with the same honest care, uninfluenced by their race, creed or sexual preference, it now has become a stated goal to treat patients fundamentally differently, all in the name of equity. There is no apology for delivering substandard care to some, as it is considered a means to correct the sins of the past. It is now lauded as a virtue to reverse the perceived unequal treatment of some in the past by imposing a new unequal protocol.’
I think worth the read, Dr. Gonnering remains one of the last true medical doctors and educators: