UK, COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report weeks 3 to 13; UK has stopped the report week 14, but from weeks 11 to 13, infections went up in unvaccinated; why? there was steady decline week by week

by Paul Alexander

then marked turn upwards; why? Did the mRNA shot damage INNATE/acquired immunity? Seems vaxxed INNATE (Geert) benefitted from 'training' and infections dropped week over week, then up

Something happened at week 10 onwards…was it permanent subversion of the innate immune response in unvaccinated? If you look at the table at the bottom of the listing first (week 3), you can plot the infection risk progression downward and then week 11 the increase begins.

12 weeks of UK COVID infection data in the era of Omicron and it is revealing. What happened at week 10 so that from week 10, infections in the unvaccinated went up? see all tables below, starting from week 3 (I decided to start from there and go to week 13 as this is when UK stopped reporting the granular tabular data); why did the UK stop reporting at week 13? Was it because the data showed the dramatic increase in infection in the vaccinated (at week 11) but then suddenly the unvaccinated also? One could see the infection escalating in the vaccinated after week 10. Why? Was the training/memory of the immune system (innate) in the unvaccinated due to repeated exposure etc., then lost due to damage of the underlying immune system? Did same happen in vaccinated in terms of damage to the immune system? Something happened in both the unvaccinated and the vaccinated based on this data. What?

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 13 31 March 2022

Week 13


Week 12 infections

Week 11 infections

Week 10 infections

Week 9 infections

Week 8 infections

Week 7 infections

Week 6 infections

Week 5 infection

Week 4 infections


Week 3 infections