Utter bogus BS reporting by Choi of THE HILL; "COVID boosters could prevent up to 51,000 hospitalizations among kids: report"; I ask Choi, show us 1 one piece of evidence, my substack says NO booster!

by Paul Alexander

See my evidence and explanation and why people like Joseph Choi are sent out to write that BS garbage with nothing other than specious talking points, and Joseph should do his homework first!

Based on what evidence Choi? What? Because you wrote for that corrupted rag The Hill? If I were parents I would hold you criminally responsible if my child died of these shots and they will. Already have.

These are thieves, people, these are thieves, this is about getting the Biden administration to declare emergencies and put more tax payer money into their crooked pockets. No doctor, no hospital CEO, no hospital should use the words ‘strain’ and ‘overworked’. That is bullsh*t! You crooks got trillions $ in COVID money so the real issue is which hospital and CEO and doctor stole the money? Which? Because you got all you needed to gear up so someone or some entity stole the tax payer money. Who? Start there. These beasts, these high-crime bandits know that most, the vast majority of flu and colds and respiratory and RSV illnesses DO NOT warrant and require hospitilization. My view: use the damn money you got from COVID relief or did you already buy houses with it?

If I were parents, and I did give my child the COVID injection booster for COVID or fooled into it for RSV, I would do the following: (see the fraud, the booster uptake was near zero for your kids, wisely so because you withstood the pressure to give it to your child yet they will not stop pressing you to take/give the shot), so they (Fauci, CDC, NIH, FDA, Francis Collins, Walensky et al.) created a fraud RSV panic that they created with the lockdowns weakening childrens’ immune systems, and now pushing the COVID death shot that is NOT needed and very very dangerous to healthy children. So now created this RSV panic and pushing boosters for COVID and Pfizer reported its study on RSV injections in pregnant women to prevent RSV. Coincidence? Is there a link between what Pfizer is doing and the media frenzy and hysteria? All to get parents to vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate their kids with these fraud deadly shots, that could devastate and subvert their normally functional developing innate immune systems. Is this the reason?


If I were you and my child died due to the shots, I would take my dead child for there will be children that WILL die from this fraud harmful COVID shot and I would take my dead child to THE HILL news outlet and to the White House front gate and ask to speak to Choi, and at the WH, to the head advisor idiot Dr. Ashish Jha, also call for Walensky, let them get her from CDC or from HHS, and place your dead child at the gates peacefully, no arguing, and ask them “now that I followed your murderous advice, what do I do now? My child died from the vaccine, from your advice, so what should I do”? Call the media while at it and film it and share it widely on media.

I would pile dead children bodies who die of the COVID shot outside the gates of the WH. Go there peacefully and civilly. Announce your peaceful intent and that you only seek audience with Biden and Fauci and Walensky and Francis Collins who told you to give your child…ask for them by name. It would be your child, dead, so take them. You do not need permission. Ask for Biden and Jha and Walensky and call for Azar the fraud with his liability protection, call out Hahn who headed FDA, say you must speak to him and all those on the COVID Task Force under Trump…ask them what to do now? Ask for Peter Marks and Woodcock.

See my prior substack on this RSV and Pfizer vaccine of pregnant women bogus and dangerous push:

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) & Pfizer's RSV trial of maternal injections; are we being played? Is RSV media frenzy designed to panic public & help Pfizer get FDA EUA approval of RSV maternal jab?
With this reckless uninformed moron at THE HILL Choi saying COVID boosters will help your child reduce hospitalizations and talking about flu shots for healthy kids (that it is known do NOT work)? Tacitly trying to scare parents and tie even RSV to the booster etc. It is so very perverse for naturally, parents are scared and need good trustworthy high-q…
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Dear Readers,
I also embed this short piece on The Wellness Company.
I am proud to announce a unique partnership with The Wellness Company and everyone who believes in medical freedom. My dear and esteemed colleagues Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Harvey Risch are also in partnership with The Wellness Company which provides telemedicine services for long-haul COVID, vaccine injury, and medical exemptions along with supplements and products that are fully aligned with our values. This support for The Wellness Company stems from the sub-optimal medical care and response that we experienced throughout the pandemic. It became apparent that there are many glaring gaps in our healthcare system and people were not properly treated. Thus, the pivot by us to support The Wellness Company. Take a stand against a broken healthcare delivery system with a membership in The Wellness Company, which directly funds our fight against medical tyranny. Click here The Wellness Company for more information.