Vancouver beats you on INSANITY! 'The personal possession of 2.5 grams of hard drugs, including cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, methamphetamine and morphine, has now been decriminalized.'

by Paul Alexander

Got that, Fentanyl via which one grain can kill you, now permissible to have in Vancouver; I hope you know that if someone has Fentanyl on them & you (your child) inhales one grain, you/they can die

It is a simple question, what is the value added of this? Is this just for votes? How does this benefit society? How can this not drive more addicts? It makes no sense and I don’t buy the reducing crimes argument. I predict more violent crime as now gangs will war over territory etc. The rich elites and government connected folk will make more money financing the drugs and allowing safe passage etc. It will get worse.


Personal possession of a small amount of hard drugs is now legal in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The controversial move is intended to reduce deaths from drug use.

The personal possession of 2.5 grams of hard drugs, including cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, methamphetamine and morphine, has now been decriminalized. This temporary exemption means a person found with a small quantity of these drugs will not have them seized nor face arrest or any criminal charges.’