VENTILATORS killed COVID patients! Do not forget that! 80% of NYC's coronavirus patients who are put on ventilators ultimately die, and some doctors are/were trying to stop using them

by Paul Alexander

April 2020 Study Found That Most New York Covid Patients on Ventilators Died; Mortality rates for those who received mechanical ventilation in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4%


Mortality rates for those who received mechanical ventilation in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4% and 97.2%, respectively. Mortality rates for those in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups who did not receive mechanical ventilation were 1.98% and 26.6%, respectively. 

  • Some doctors are/were trying to reduce their reliance on ventilators for coronavirus patients because of reports of abnormally high death rates for patients using the machines, The Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

  • New York City officials have said at least 80% of coronavirus patients who were on ventilators in the city died, the AP reported. Unusually high death rates have also been recorded elsewhere in the US and the world.

  • Ventilators are typically used only for the worst-affected patients, and there are no drugs approved to treat COVID-19, so this could help explain the higher death rate.

  • But doctors have also said ventilators can damage the lungs — and while the machines may be an effective way to treat other respiratory illnesses, some are looking for alternative treatments.