What killed Lisa Marie Presley? What caused the cardiac arrest in this era of 'DIED SUDDENLY'? A clinician colleague of mines, brilliant, early treatment doctor, shared this with me: Could indeed be

by Paul Alexander

drugs, however therein lies the problem. These vaccines create cardiovascular damage in such a fashion that it’s easy for pathologist who has no functioning vertebrae whatsoever to “go the easy route"

Could indeed be drugs, however therein lies the problem. These vaccines create cardiovascular damage in such a fashion that it’s easy for a pathologist who has no functioning vertebrae whatsoever to “go the easy route” to avoid bucking the “system”.  They keep their job, cash their checks, and move onward to the next victim.”

Jamil replied:

If it was drugs they would be announcing it every which way, that is what makes things suspect: Vaccination status hidden, Cause of death never mentioned


I concur!

In this era, everything is on the table and the vaccine deranges you physiologically and your immune system catastrophically. We do not know, just that we want her to RIP.