Whether from COVID virus exposure or mRNA technology gene based (Pfizer, Moderna) vaccine, one 'must' DETOXIFY & DISSOLVE & RID body of the deadly SPIKE protein; Makis waxes on mRNA vaccine vasculitis
by Paul Alexander
excellent scholarship by William...mRNA injury series - Vasculitis caused by Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Here are 13 cases of this frightening condition
Feb.2022, Greenville, SC - 65 year old man (above) developed lesions on his legs two days after receiving his 3rd Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (booster). Biopsy of lesions showed a leukocytoclastic vasculitis and he was treated with steroids
March 2023 - Japan - 61 year old Japanese man presented with fever, polyarthralgia, purpura and urticaria-like rash 2 weeks after 1st dose of Moderna mRNA vaccine and symptoms deteriorated following 2nd dose
Jan.2023 - Tirana, Albania - 72 year old man presented with palpable purpura 2 weeks after Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Histopathological examination confirmed necrotizing vasculitis. Within 2 weeks of starting steroids he was improving (picture on the right)
Dec.2022 - South Korea - 76 year old man with a history of cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis presented with purpura in both limbs and nephrotic syndrome
March 2022 - Egypt - 17 year old girl developed vasculitis 10 days after 1st dose of Pfizer mRNA (bottom left). On the right is a very similar reaction someone’s 20 year old daughter experienced 48 hours after 2nd Moderna shot she took to travel for the summer.
Jan.31, 2022, Madrid, Spain - 91 year old woman presented with palpable purpuric skin lesions 4 days after 2nd dose of Pfizer mRNA vaccine
Jan.13, 2022 - Waterford, MI - Mark Rudd had Moderna Vaccine in April 2021 and developed lesions that are the stuff of nightmares. He was diagnosed with a vasculitis and put on methotrexate
Jan.2022 - 47 year old Japanese man presented 19 days after 1st Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine for eruption of skin lesions, which spontaneously improved but returned again 15 days after 2nd Moderna mRNA jab
Dec.2021 - 50 year old man presented with proteinuria and a rash that developed 2 weeks after 1st dose of Pfizer mRNA
Nov.2021 - 76 year old woman developed recurrence of leukocytoclastic vasculitis within days of receiving her 1st dose of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.
Nov.2021 - New Haven, CT - 94 year old healthy man presented with palpable purpura from the waist down 10 days after his 2nd Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine
Sep.2021, Milan, Italy - 57 year old man developed purpura 14 days after 1st dose with AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine and was diagnosed with vasculitis.