Will Biden ever do this? Will VP Madame Giggles ever do this? Will any of the socialist commie leftist democrats or RINOs or any of the America hating freaks ever do this? No...Trump would and did!
by Paul Alexander
I will vote for anyone with gonads to do this and be willing to risk the vote of the leftists radical America hating and even Republican hating people; if you can do this, got my vote, left or right
What Trump showed is a love for America few can doubt and certainly I see no sitting democrat even showing a hint of love for this nation. Even some dangerous republicans hate America. It baffles me how they could do all they could to hurt the nation. Each action is designed against the US. Why? When she has been so good to so many. Trump train it is for me. What is needed he can deliver. With all his faults, and he will need rise to the occasion and fix that. We are all imperfect people. Trying. But I see no one capable of doing what needs to be done other than he. It is that simple for me. If not, we lose America.