CDC and WHO will not tell men-who-have-sex-with-men & bisexuals to stop the sex for 2-3 weeks to stop monkeypox spread, NO NO; instead, we get garbage CDC bull shit guidance like 6 feet masturbation &
by Paul Alexander
Virtual sex, sex with your clothes on & all that 'woke' bull shit; not say "look, you are the high risk group so stop the skin to skin & penis anus sex for 2-3 weeks as at risk of micro tissue tears'
Yes, I agree with NY post, the guidance by CDC is weird, bizarre.
The tearing of tissue (micro tears) is the principle cause of risk as in that situation there is likely exchange of bodily fluids that could be infected; yes, could happen in heterosexual couples who are intimate or skin to skin contact and yes, could happen in lesbian intimate contact too, but at this time, monkeypox risk and transmission is reportedly happening largely in men who have sex with men and bisexuals;
The type of sex contact is the issue, not being ‘gay’ so no need to stigmatize, let us focus on the virus and getting the right message out there;
It is the skin to skin contact and direct touch of infected pustules and lesions
Why can’t CDC and WHO stop the garbage bull shit and come straight…what they are doing is actually causing stigmatization and slander and ostracization etc. Just tell high risk people the situation and what needs to be done clearly and no woke political crap.
Say it, that the gay or bisexual community can help mitigate or even stop spread by abstaining in physical contact for a few week. Is that too hard to ask? You CDC told our 5 year olds they had to be locked down for 2 years and locked out of school for a virus that was near zero risk to them and that they did not take home. That their risk of severe illness or death was near zero. Yet you can’t tell the gay community, that in order to help them, this “xxxxxxx” is what you should do????
CDC, people are tired of your often wrong political guidance.
CDC, should start speaking openly about this issue and stop playing games. This infection at this time is transmitted in bodily fluids mainly by intimate contact. It is mainly in males and principally in men who have sex with men. It is not the only type of contact but this type heightens risk and again, at this time, it is localized to that high risk group. The key is to keep it there as we try to eliminate it, so that it does not get into the low risk heterosexual community. Yes, we need to assess why it is localized to that group at this time and if it is an STD and the like. But as we do that, we have to work on reducing spread. We need to be open, transparent, explicit with the at risk group.