F*ck your ineffective face masks, F*ck fraud deadly mRNA Pfizer & Moderna COVID gene injection vaccine, F*ck vaccine passports, F*ck climate green scam, F*ck digital ID & CBDCs, F*ck the Ten Horsemen

by Paul Alexander

The Ten Horsemen, f*ck them all, investigate all; F*ck social credit bullsh*t, F*ck your wars, F*ck all you did to us with COVID lockdown lunacy & vaccine; you COVID Taliban, we ARE the COVID hunters

Fu*k them all for now every single vaccinated person with those fraud COVID shots have some vaccine injury. Yes. Pfizer and Moderna know this, Fauci et al. know this. They fu*ked your natural innate and adaptative immunity long-term. They cannot prove in any manner, how this fraud shot benefitted you for they know it never ever worked. All of it was a lie! All, this entire pandemic fraud for a dark reason we will come to learn soon.

We want the Ten Horsemen (Malone, Bourla, Sahin, Bancel, Karikó, Fauci, Daszak, Francis Collins, Weissman, Baric (and I will slip in Birx)) dragged into a proper legal courtroom, tribunals (for all they did with inventing the unsafe untested mRNA technology and the deadly mRNA gene injections and the silence when they knew of the harms), all 10, separate hearings, full judges and juries, under oath, and investigated and tried…

if innocent and shown that their actions did not kill people with the lockdown lunacy, the fraud PCR-manufactured fake pandemic to topple Trump aka ‘45’, then we kiss and hug them, give them awards and pensions…

but if judges and juries find they are guilty of costing lives especially with their murder and COVID death protocol of hospital isolation, of sedation (midazolam and morphine and other toxic not needed drugs), of malnourichment, dehydration of our parents and grand-parents and all those who died in those KILLING fields (hospitals and nursing homes), if we show they pumped Remdesivir knowing it was kidney and liver toxic, that they witheld needed antibiotics for florid advanced pneumonia and let sepsis set in, if they put on DNR orders without permission, if they let my granny lay in her feces for weeks with maggots crawling all over her in fear and isolation, refuing to touch her, if they did this, if they designated her COVID ‘positive’ knowing it was a fraud flawed ‘process’ of a PCR (non-test) manufactured non-pandemic with an IFR of 0.04% means corrected for all those less than 75 years of age, 0.0003% those 0-19 (statistical risk of death of zero), where no healthy child across America for over 3 years now died of COVID, not one, not one in Sweden, Germany, not one, and they CDC and NIH and all at Health Canada and PHAC and SAGE knew it, if they put my granny on a ventilator knowing it was blowing holes in her lungs, then I say fu*k them all and focus on the 10 Horsemen and add Birx that beast (add Njoo and Tam too if Canadians got the stones), and put them through the legal process and if we show their policies costed lives and they killed people in effect, then we clean them out financially and imprison all 10 Horsemen, for their roles, and if the judge says place the death penalty on the table, I will step back, shudder a bit for I do not like death, we are better than that, but I will not stop the judge or jury. It will be up to them. That decision will be theirs if they decided those crimes rose to the death penalty.

see this stack I prior wrote.

Start here:

First, my mother is (was) angry at me for this as my aunt called her to complain “did you hear what Paul wrote in his media posting?” Imagine that, my mom now is on my case.

Yes, ‘the big Kill’ is coming and I credit my friend Dr. Hodkinson for coining this phrase. #diedsuddenly. Yes, why is ‘died suddenly’ one of the most searched up words in media today? This hashtag #diedsuddenly

We did not deserve this as good people. They had their sick twisted hegemony dark intent, but did not have to harm us en route.

This is the Christmas we celebrate our faiths, our religion, our Lord, life, our families, we be civil, good governance, peaceful, law abiding always, and we stand up now and wake to fu*k up and understand this is a real war, a real battle for your life and future and what you will leave for your children and grand children.

They have waged war on us for 3 years now and they will not stop. We have to stop them at the ballot box and courts. We have no choice.

This is war, they are fighting war with you, know the enemy and respond with clear thinking. Use your critical thinking now.

Fu*k them all for now every single vaccinated person with those fraud COVID shots have some vaccine injury. Yes. Pfizer and Moderna know this, Fauci et al. know this. They fu*ked your natural innate and adaptative immunity long-term. They cannot prove in any manner, how this fraud shot benefitted you for they know it never ever worked. All of it was a lie! All, this entire pandemic fraud for a dark reason we will come to learn soon.

Fu*k everything you did to us the last 3 years, the sense of hopelessness, despair, helplessness, powerlessness. You filthy spiritually empty malfeasant people. Academically sloppy incompetent malfeasants at CDC, NIH, FDA and NIAID. All who stood back and partook knowing the fraud of your actions.

You beasts, you COVIDian Taliban, you Fauci and Francis Collins et al. damaged and killed it all, you killed clinical medicine for no one trusts any doctor anymore. You killed academic research, university education, you killed evidence-based medicine/EBM, you killed medical journal publishing, you killed it all in your putrid quests.

We (you, all readers here, all of us) are uniquely powerful people, individuals, young and old and for all the good you ever do, we praise and credit you and thank you. And for all the wrongs in COVID, we will ensure we get justice and accountability in the legal process, tribunals, hearings. We must.

I give a lot of credit to Emerald Robinson for her bravery, none like her. Over the target always.