AGAIN, MONKEYPOX, MONEYpox; why? because you are being bullshitted; it is not respiratory, coughing DOES not transmit; DIRECT contact is means of spread, breakage of pustules, lesions; no anal sex!!!

by Paul Alexander

NO sex, NO anal sex, NO abrasive physical contact if infected, no kissing, no semen transfer if there is rectal tearing or suspicions of this, if tissue is torn, micro tears in sexual intimate contact

I open this first to the GAY and bisexual community. I think with the COVID injection, your immune system is so damaged, so compromised, you are so vaccine injured now, that what we are seeing is really other latent or tamped down pathogen emerging. We all face this, those who took these injections and I beg of you, NO MORE! Tell them phuck off! Shove the jab up their assess! Tell your doctor, shove it up his or her ass! The lipid nano-particle platform (LNP) was very very dangerous (we knew to fertility and ovaries and sperm) and we have subverted the immune system e.g. NK cells, natural killer CD 8 + T cells etc.

To the GAY community, NO skin-to-skin please, for 2-3 weeks broadly across the entire GAY and bisexual community, globally, especially in the US, Canada, etc. If we could have been locked down for over 2 years and which caused suicides, school closures where kids killed themselves, if we could have masked up and stayed in the basement for 2 years over the lies of COVID, if we could not bury our dead, now we have a real actual issue, a real virus that needs physical contact where infected pustules, warts, lesions on the rectum, on the anus, get broken during often sexual contact or petting etc. When the rectal wall is torn in sex, micro tears, happens even in heterosexuals. DO NOT simply make this ‘my rights’ issue and I can do with my body as I please’ and ‘oh, so you want to interfere with my sexual preferences’…no, stop that, grow to hell up! This discussion is not about your rights for your rights end where my rights to protect me begin. Your rights end where you place me and society at risk. So stop, it’s not a rights issue, this is your health issue and importantly, you being dangerous and reckless and causing expansion to the low risk heterosexual community. You can’t stop the anal sex for 2 weeks????

My friend Green reached out and shared and I thought insightful so I am sharing: “Paul, I gotta say this again. You can’t distinguish monkey from chicken pox. Look at the spread maps that Tedros the Terrorist has provided. MP in heavily jabbed countries, zero in country of origination, i.e. Africa. What do you want to bet that most of this is a smokescreen to cover up Herpes/Zoster/Chicken Pox reactivation due to jab immune injury in an already immune compromised gay population?”

Green is right, so open the mind for all possibilities for we are dealing with malfeasants here at CDC and NIH and WHO etc. Pure malfeasants.

Now you can see the ineptness and malfeasance of CDC and NIH, people like Francis Collins and Fauci and Walensky, Tedros of WHO, people so dumb, so stupid, yet openly brazenly dangerous…GAY community, tell them phuck off, do not listen to them, turn off CNN and FOX, do not listen to Ashish Jha, he is a snake oil salesman. They have placed you at risk as they did in 1980s with HIV…it is time, it is time to take matters into your own hands and among you, designate some leaders and get them out there schooling in the media, in every forum, the community of safe behavior now…no, no masturbating from a distance, no sex with clothes on, etc. That CDC guidance was pure utter insanity.

I am saying, NO eff in sex, none, for 3 weeks, all of you, no multiple partners…NONE…turn it off. Why can’t you have one partner then? Why all these reported orgies? What is this about man during this high-risk period? Come on, you are risking yourself, your loved ones, the society at large. And the COVID injection has compromised your immune system so we do not know what will happen post infection. I hope you know that the COVID injection you took has you very vulnerable to getting the pox virus as well as responding so this is no game. Fauci and CDC and NIH and Bourla phucked you and us big time! This can get very serious. We do not know the clinical sequela post COVID shot so you have to stop the sexual or any skin to skin contact.

This is for your own good! This is about your GAY and bisexual community being responsible and helping protect the rest of society with a virus that still is relegated to your high-risk group. This is about understanding it is not about being GAY, it is that this virus uses breakage of tissue and infected bodily fluids to spread and even heterosexuals who are infected can transmit by physical contact if one partner is infected and there is breakage of tissue in the direct physical contact. This is not about targeting GAYS or stigmatizing.

As you see, this COVID injection, this mass injection, vaccination had been disastrous and a failure. Any rapid mass vaccination campaign and roll-out that uses a sub-optimal vaccine (such as the COVID vaccines) that delivers sub-optimal immunity, and vaccinating/injecting across all age groups, and done into a pandemic, that is, in the midst of an active pandemic when we are dealing with a highly mutable and highly infectious respiratory virus, then this can only be a recipe for disaster and failure with generation of dominating infectious variant after infectious variant that overcomes the sub-optimal immune pressure (via a non-neutralizing vaccine and antibodies), increasingly infectious, increasingly vaccine-resistant (due to viral immune escape), and inevitably more virulent variants. What am I saying? What has Geert been saying and Mike Yeadon? It is the mass vaccination of the population, using a non-sterilizing vaccine, vaccinating into a pandemic when there is massive ongoing infectious pressure, this is responsible for prolonging the COVID pandemic and making it more dangerous. If this COVID vaccine is not stopped immediately, this pandemic will continue for 100 years and get very dangerous and we can threaten humanity itself. Yes, Fauci, Francis Collins, Bourla, Bancel, Walensky et al. and I include Hahn and Moncef et al., can and could have threatened humanity. And are doing it.