Heneghan: remember when Heneghan of Oxford U argued "Britain's crisis peaked BEFORE lockdown and claims fatality rate could be as low as 0.1%", ministers had 'lost sight' of the scientific evidence

by Paul Alexander

  • Oxford University Professor Carl Heneghan said the UK's outbreak peaked back in March

  • He said data showed this but ministers had 'lost sight' of the scientific evidence and panicked about lockdown

  • Professor Heneghan hailed Sweden for 'holding its nerve' - the country has stayed open for business as usual

  • Sweden's infection and death rates are so far lower than UK's and its economy is stable



“It comes as a leading expert at the University of Oxford has argued the peak was actually about a month ago, a week before lockdown started on March 23, and that the draconian measures people are now living with were unnecessary.

Professor Carl Heneghan claims data shows infection rates halved after the Government launched a public information campaign on March 16 urging people to wash their hands and keep two metres (6'6") away from others.

He said ministers 'lost sight' of the evidence and rushed into a nationwide quarantine six days later after being instructed by scientific advisers who he claims have been 'consistently wrong' during the crisis.

Professor Heneghan hailed Sweden - which has not enforced a lockdown despite fierce criticism - for 'holding its nerve' and avoiding a 'doomsday scenario'. The country has recorded just 392 new patients and 40 deaths today, approximately 10 per cent of the UK's figures. Britain's diagnoses have not been announced yet.

In separate research, the Oxford professor said he estimates that the true death rate among people who catch the virus is between 0.1 and 0.36 per cent, considerably lower than the 13 per cent currently playing out in the UK.”

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