"Temporary mild heart muscle cell damage after booster vaccination"; Müller, "We found elevated cardiac troponin levels in a higher proportion of vaccinees than expected. From the earlier, passive
by Paul Alexander
...passive observation of severe cases, out of 100,000 vaccinated, around 35 would develop heart muscle inflammation; myocardial cell damage in 22 of the 777 participants (2.8% & not expect 0.0035)
University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel
‘We found elevated cardiac troponin levels in a higher proportion of vaccinees than expected. From the earlier, passive observation of the severe cases, it was concluded that out of 100,000 vaccinated people, around 35 would develop heart muscle inflammation. In our study, we found evidence of mild, transient myocardial cell damage in 22 of the 777 participants, which is 2.8 percent instead of the expected 0.0035 percent.’
Temporary mild heart muscle cell damage after booster vaccination
‘An interdisciplinary research team from the University of Basel and the University Hospital Basel examined the effects of the Covid-19 booster vaccination on the heart muscle. Temporary, mild damage is more common than previously assumed, according to their result, which has not yet been reviewed by a specialist journal. In the conversation, the cardiologist Prof. Dr. Christian Müller enters the results…
Our focus was on rare but relevant effects of the first Covid booster on heart muscle cells. So far, this phenomenon has only been passively observed and not actively sought. So there was only data from severe cases of heart muscle inflammation, especially in young men, who had to be treated in the hospital. Our question was how common damage to heart muscle cells actually occurs after the Covid booster. To do this, we measured a marker called "cardiac troponin" in the blood of employees at the university hospital three days after the booster vaccination. If the amount of cardiac troponin rises above the normal range, this indicates damage to heart muscle cells. We also wanted to investigate how long damage lasts.(Editor's note: For more information on the study, see the context box.)
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