Et tu Bourla? Albert Bourla, the Pfizer CEO fraud in-chief, the one with Bancel of Moderna who have put out ineffective & harmful gene injections, knowing they DON'T work! 4th jab, infected, Paxlovid?

by Paul Alexander

I have said over & over, the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Francis Collins, Bourla (Pfizer), Bancel (Moderna), Fauci...these 4, must be investigated in proper public legal forums, if wrong, jail them!

Bourla’s vaccine is killing us yet it is harming him too.

They all recite the same clap trap drivel to deceive you when they get infected, Clinton, POTUS Biden, Newsom, Fauci, Trudeau, Jill Biden (FLOTUS), Bourla etc… “oh, I am infected sorry to report, I did have 4 shots, thank God those 4 helped me, I would have been worse had it not been for the 4 and now I am taking Paxlovid”…the idiots do not realize that to say they are on anti-viral Paxlovid (that also does not work, causing rebound COVID) means they do not trust the shots to reduce symptoms. They are so evil that they cannot think straight anymore.

Remember when Bourla the fraud-in-chief, said this about the vaccine? This fraudster told us it was 100%, not 99%, but 100% in preventing cases, that means, NONE! But I, we knew he was lying, we even ran our own analysis. He was a liar day 1. It failed out of the gate, could have never worked! The 95% relative risk reduction (RRR) was actually 0.7% absolute risk reduction (ARR) which is what was not reported which says it failed! 168 events placebo and 8 in the vaccine arms…lies, for they set aside over 3,000 subjects and did not explain to us why. Moreover, RRR is used to mislead and deceive, akin to what Hahn tried to do with the convalescent plasma disaster news conference. Now the media is silent when Fauci and Bourla uses the same deceptive trick they pilloried Hahn for (rightly so).

Now to this, where he is reporting he is infected and on Paxlovid, same clap trap tripe:

Quadruple Vaxxed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Catches Covid One Year After Claiming His Vaccine Was 100% Effective in Preventing Covid