FBI: 61 'active shooter incidents' reported in 2021, 52% jump from 2020; data suggests highest number in months of June, on a Saturday, and in areas of high commerce; I share as a tip/warning
by Paul Alexander
I argue COVID pandemic lockdowns & masks, even with people who were already mentally deranged & evil, has a role: in USA, 31 active shooters in 2017, 30 in 2018, 30 in 2019, 40 in 2020, 61 in 2021
I argue COVID pandemic lockdowns & masks, even with people who were already mentally deranged & evil, has a role: in USA, 31 active shooters in 2017, 30 in 2018, 30 in 2019, 40 in 2020, 61 in 2021. IMO, there appears to be a dose-response relationship in this data. The number is stable at around 30 per year (2017 to 2019) and then jumps over 30% in 2020. Remember, there 9 months of lockdown in 2020 but then we see a 52% jump in 2021 when full year data is collected. This shows that mass shooting was increasing during the years of the lockdown relative to prior non-lockdown years and importantly, it went up in 2021 with full year data.
We would need to wait to see if it went back down in 2022 when we have full data in 2023 for 2022, but I wish to orient you today with some preliminary data that will shock you. I looked at some data from a List of mass shootings in the United States in 2022 that suggest that already in 2022, there have been 202 mass shootings in the US. Mass shootings are defined as several victims of firearms violence. This means that from 2021, there is already, a 230% increase in the number of mass shootings. From being stable at 30 per year in 2017, 2018, and 2019, to then increase dramatically from the period when lockdowns were introduced. We absolutely cannot discount the role that COVID lockdowns and school closures etc. have played. The Buffalo shooter told us it did. This remains my thesis.
This graph I built just now:
Scott Atlas and I argued against the lockdowns and school closures from within the Trump administration, POTUS Trump fought against them, he fought Fauci and Birx daily who did everything to ensure lockdowns and school closures with the CDC and teachers unions, and it would have been difficult for Trump to fire them as there was this threat from Fauci’s camp that they would leak to the media that Trump was silencing Fauci and not listening to the experts. IMO, Trump should have fired Fauci and Birx day 1.
IMO, the Fauci, Francis Collins, and Birx COVID lockdowns may have broken the minds of our young prior functional young people or taken already damaged deranged minds and driven depraved hate and murderous tendencies to fester and be acted out. We have to take this seriously for the TOPS Buffalo shooting and now the Texas elementary school shooting have several things in common, both 18 years old, both coming off of over 2 years of lockdowns and face masks, closed schools that limited support and acting as a flag, both possibly (likely) already mentally deranged and broken yet heavily influenced by devastating hateful social media and websites, both loosing touch with reality given the catastrophic COVID policies that not only ripped our/their worlds apart and from us but these young people who need a sense of control being told they could do nothing about it. Young people as an example, need social contact, many go to school to play sports to belong etc. Closing schools had devastating effects and we, I argue, are seeing the result now. An urgent discussion is needed as more is coming.
The reported FBI numbers cannot be discounted. There were 31 active shooter incidents reported in 2017, followed by 30 in 2018, 30 in 2019, 40 in 2020 (the first year of the pandemic), and 61 in 2021 when the effects of the devastating lockdowns and prolonged mask wearing that severed the connection between human beings, has shown up.
FBI: 61 'active shooter incidents' reported in 2021, 52% jump from 2020
“June had the highest number of active shooter incidents (12), followed by April (10) and August (7). Most incidents were reported on a Saturday, followed by a Tuesday or Thursday, the agency’s data shows. A majority (32) of the 2021 shootings happened in "areas of commerce.""
“There were 31 active shooter incidents reported in 2017, followed by 30 in 2018, 30 in 2019, 40 in 2020 (the first year of the pandemic), and 61 in 2021.”
Yes, we must have a debate on guns but to me, not as a means to restrict the 2nd as it is needed. Yes, I said it, we need access to guns if we are to be a safe society in spite of the crime we are seeing. If we take guns away, then the bad element that entered the US across the last decade and with intent to do harm from within as they do in Europe and elsewhere, will have the population vulnerable. It is the US’s 2nd that has saved the US and I argue the world. But we have to have some provision to limit access to persons with mental issues and maybe not complete limit, but with a routine check if you own firearms for many people who have mental disturbance recover full well. Hell, we all likely slip in and out of some level of mental disturbance as part of normal functional living, in coping. It is life. We do not stigmatize mental illness, no we face it and deal with it and work with it. So we have to be careful, but I am in support of the 2nd. The key is in a safe manner.
POTUS Biden squandered an opportunity last night to bring the nation together by attacking guns and not finding the right words. IMO. The VP did same earlier and they use tragedy to score political points. Happens time and again. This is not the time. I am hoping they find the right words and temperature and help heal, not divide, not score political points when there is so much pain. A larger discussion is needed.