It was NEVER COVID the 'virus', it was the 'RESPONSE' to it, the corrupted, POLITICAL response, not public health, oh I supported and loved Trump, to me outstanding, but made 2 catastrophic mistakes

by Paul Alexander

Trump and Biden response is political, it fast became political and never ever public health and this is what harmed us, not the virus, that was tame, both administrations FAILED us! corrupted inept

The lockdowns under Trump and the vaccine under OWS will go down as the two greatest public health disasters in history. While occurring under a POTUS who could potentially go down as the greatest POTUS if he gets another 2nd shot and rights the pandemic response failures.

I say this as someone who supports him still today. I thought he did very good things and some not so very good things. But better than all other POTUS, last 10 combined.

First, Trump must talk to us about the devastating crime across the US and how he will fix it, how will you prevent crime; he has to pardon all the people caught up in the January 6th march, not those who committed crimes, but the others who are in jail today for being there…he must pardon them…he failed to pardon them on his way out…a mistake…Trump has to explain to us how come he did not fire Fauci and Birx for their lockdowns cost him the election for they inflected damage and people were hurt; he needs to tell us how he will ensure no vaccine mandates and no passports and no masks and no schools will ever be closed and never lockdowns again…we trusted him and it is not enough to say ‘lets leave it up to the States’…no, you are POTUS, you should have used all you could to stop what they did….so you need to tell us what you will do for the present administration are a disaster on steroids…

If Biden wants to stem the bleeding, he must rise above the politics and show mercy and pardon the January 6th persons who were non-violent, and stop all mandates or passports and stop any vaccine of any child with these unsafe COVID vaccines…he must understand that the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are at near same risk of being infected and to not punish people who wish to exercise their natural immunity/COVID recovered, start there, he will see the bleeding stop…else he will continue to circle the drain…

Based on all we know and knew one month out, APRIL 2020, we knew COVID was amenable to risk stratification and your baseline risk predicted your outcome and that 90% were flat at low risk day 1…not a problem, we knew children were vastly immune and would handle it very well, and we knew by the data that a risk-age stratified approach was all that was needed, focus on risk and not to lockdown or close schools….properly protect the vulnerable in the nation such as the elderly in nursing homes, and allow the rest of the nation, the low risk healthy people to live reasonably normal lives…we knew this yet we did not follow the real science and we harmed the society and economy, we killed people, yes, Fauci and Birx lockdowns killed thousands of people and harmed and caused children to kill themselves, we knew the data…from the states, little children less than 10 hung themselves and it was covered up from you…the media did this…hid it from you….it was horrible and Trump did try, he did fight them, he fought them as they attacked him, Atlas and I, and the administration…needless to say many his his camp were hanger ons and users of him…they did not help him…sycophants…

But these were corrupted inept twisted people IMO, Fauci and Birx, never about what was best for the nation public health wise…the CDC, NIH, NIAID, I know many of these people today, some smart folk but some of the most inept miserable and corrupted people…politicized and biased…

If these demons would have allowed early treatment, 750,000 Americans would be alive today…yes, CDC and NIH and Francis Collins caused the deaths of thousands, your parents, grand parents…yes…I call it as I see it…we must hold them accountable for that…

I supported Trump and still do, I think he based on his instincts and actions would have been the greatest, and he was on the way, but he ceded running his pandemic response to Fauci and Birx who hurt him badly with it, politically, the phrase told to me by folk in DC at NIH and else where was a plan to daily, daily, make the country ungovernable, unmanageable, and do it with daily bogus PCR 95% false positive tests…and show graph after graph that were lies…to scare the people into locking down and masking…keep reporting it and the media was the complicit agent in all this…24/7 lies…and spook Trump and make him look disorganized and ineffectual in managing the pandemic and harden the lockdowns to make people lives suffer and miserable, even harmful…close schools and scare moms and even hurt the children, they did not care, the CDC nor unions…so Trump will be blamed…and he was and it cost him…

Biden, I don't know what to say for that is a train wreck; just looking only at the Afghanistan withdrawal and what he has done at the borders, the devastating inflation, this is a pure disaster…his foreign policy is maybe one of the greatest disasters ever….weakening the US…Trump did hand Biden 2 of the greatest public health blunders to get the nation out of, pure failures pandemic wise, being lockdowns and vaccines, and when I thought it could not get any worse, Biden and his administration is making Trump’ pandemic’s response failure with Fauci and Birx lockdowns, look like poly anna…so we the people are in trouble, for we had 2 administrations back to back that are inept as to the pandemic response for it is all politics for them, yet the latter is special, in that the POTUS on any given day does not know where he is…I admire Jen Psaki, for the depth of ineptness and corruptness and idiocy she must come out and defend daily, takes special skills…I do admire her.