MURDER charge Pfizer & Moderna & Fauci (FDA, CDC, NIH) makers of mRNA/DNA gene injection (vaccine), indict them, killing a black man on live television DAMAR HAMLIN, while lying about commotio cordis

by Paul Alexander

What you need for murder charge to stick is below in my substacks; he 'died' on the field, they are lying about commotio cordis, they killed him with this deadly gene vaccine they made Chauvin 2.0

Every single NFL player (or athlete in America) must be screened for myocarditis (post COVID gene injection); they must demand it! Do not take the field for you could be DAMAR! Do not let them lie to you and confuse you with commotio cordis!

It is time to lay murder charges on Pfizer, Moderna, CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, Fauci, Francis Collins, Walensky, Ashish Jha etc. It is time. These beasts killed a black man openly on live television and the black activists must step up now! Black live DO NOT matter to these beasts like Pfizer et al., never did for public health people like Fauci, so it is time we lay murder charges for this time, they were actually at the scene of the crime with their murder weapon. No trial even needed!

Blacks in America must stand up now. The Biden administration is flooding the border with illegals from South America who with my own eyes, get preference over blacks in New York and Buffalo. I imagine across the US. I saw sitting shocked in hospitals how whites and blacks are sidelined and sent to the back over illegals from South America. This is wrong. The assault with this vaccine that acts like a biological weapon of sorts, delivers differential morbidity and mortality on minorities. Blacks must stand up! They killed a black man on national television. This is too much ‘in your face’.

They are telling us, me, McCullough etc. to STFU, that we who are asking the right questions as to what went wrong here, we must STFU. That we are loons. We are loons? Had it not been for people like me across this 3 years of lockdown lunacy, millions more would have died. People like Risch, McCullough, Oskoui, Jeff Tucker, Wolf, Ladapo, Urso, Berenson, Toby, Kirsch, Bridle, Tenenbaum etc. We were the wall while public health officials at CDC and NIH and FDA and the FDA sold us down the river. We ‘held’ and will continue to hold as more warriors step up.

I say under NO condition will we. Yes, they killed him, they killed DAMAR and know it and we will continue to go after them for we want all who did this, who brought this fraud so called vaccine, this entire pandemic fraud, all of it from lockdowns to the fraud vaccine, properly deposed in proper legal settings, proper tribunals with proper judges and we want accountability and justice. If judges rule that all of their money is to be taken, we take it. If judges rule those involved must be imprisoned, at the highest levels of government, we jail them for life. We lock them up! If judges rule capital punishment is the remedy, we seek the death penalty! Does not matter to me who.

They killed a black man, they stopped his heart in front of you, stopped his breathing with their death shot. DAMAR died for 10 minutes. From all we know so far. New reports indicate they had to bring him back to life in the hospital too.

They committed murder on live national television during an NFL game! They killed a black man! Their gun, weapon of choice was a mRNA/DNA gene injection ‘so called vaccine’. They know it. They know we are beginning to grapple with it and ask the right questions and they know the players on that field who cried, they cried out of love and horror for their teammate, yet they cried too because they know they are juiced up with the gene fraud injection and they know that that means, the bell may toll for thee too! Soon.

We want the congressional black caucus in the US congress to stand up now and defend this black American, DAMA HAMLIN, do the right thing, get accountability and not just for him and his family, but for all Americans, for all the other NFL players. We want the NAACP to stand up. You say you seek justice, you did not get it before, now here is your chance!

Pfizer placed their criminal corporate boot, with CDC and FDA and NIH and NIAID and Fauci and Francis Collins and Walensky and Albert Bourla and Bancel, all of them, their placed their money-hungry power-hungry malfeasant boot on the neck of DAMAR HAMLIN, this is Derek Chauvin once again, Pfizer is Derek Chauvin with it’s boot on the neck of George Floyd, this time George is DAMAR. Yes, DAMAR like George Floyd, could not breathe for 10 minutes, “I can’t breathe”. Pfizer took the life of an African American man on live national television.

Yes, I am saying it plainly, the Pfizer gene injection mRNA/DNA vaccine, unless we are shown otherwise, based on all the uncertainty still, and based on all the unanswered questions, but based on all we DO know, was the murder weapon that killed DAMAR HAMLIN. Yes, thank God for the medical response but he died for 10 minutes in front of us. And we know the killer. We know all involved, the DIRTY DOZEN.

Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter
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Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber…
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Yes Pfizer and Moderna did the unthinkable, they murdered DAMAR HAMLIN, a Black African-American man as you watched, on national television, for they, their actions, their product, the COVID gene injection caused his heart to quit on him and he suddenly fell in cardiac arrest, in your face. They stopped his heart for 10 minutes we were told, and then began the cover up and lie on national television too and even sent out their television talking head dangerous deceitful corrupted medical doctors and media to lie about commotio cordis. They know the chance of this being commotio cordis is slim. They know it happens in children mainly, they know generally using a ball etc.

They know that this is more than likely ‘silent’ vaccine-induced myocardial scarring (from prior COVID injection) that lead to a high-adrenaline (catecholamine) arrhythmia episode causing cardiac arrest. They know that the catecholamine surge due to exertion in the backdrop of a myocardial damaged heart, can stress the heart and cause cardiac arrest.

They know! Fauci, Walensky, Bourla, Bancel, Ashish Jha, Francis Collins, Baric, Hotez, Wen, Njoo, Tam etc. They know! They know this will be repeated over and over! They know it already has been playing out! They know what will happen to many young persons and infants and children due to the COVID gene injection.

You want to shut me up for asking the right questions, NEVER! The record is now in place. Criminal charges must be laid at the feet of Pfzier and Moderna, along with CDC, NIH, FDA, Fauci, Birx, Walensky, Francis Collins, Ashish Jha, Bourla, Bancel etc. Murder charges!

I say murder charges!

I am riding with real warriors in this who with me, decided NO, enough is enough and we reacted with the right response and I mean myself, Oskoui, McCullough, Berenson, Stock, Wolf, Mark Crispin Miller, Rogers, Kirsch etc. We did not insert our heads into ours assess afraid, like some of the freedom fighters who recoiled and stood back. Somehow when they saw the cardiac arrest, they stapled their stones to their thighs and who had no staples, glued theirs to their thighs. They lost the ‘warrior’ in them and put on some pink ‘woke’ pussy hats. But Oskoui and McCullough and Jeff Tucker said NO. I said NO. Miller said NO. NO, we said NO, we know something is and was wrong and we told them 2 years now this will happen and more of it will. We asked the questions while many, shockingly in our movement, slinked away. Shrunk when we needed them most. The hope is that they grow back the backbone we know they have and stand up!

Warriors with balls of steel and I tip the hat to them! I tip my hat to Tucker Carlson!

NFL players be warned, what you saw with DAMAR will happen to many more of you. To our police, the best among us, our military, our pilots. Our border agents. We told you so. Sadly, you did not listen. Aaron Rodgers knew what he was saying. So was Novak. You should have understood.

Key documents in such a murder charge filing, based on my prior substacks including Berenson’s and the combined statements of Alexander, Stock, McCullough, and Oskoui:

Our official position (Alexander and Stock with McCullough and Oskoui) and you are free now to use this and quote it:

“The most likely diagnosis from the little certainty we have so far, is vaccine-induced myocardial scarring (from prior COVID injection) that lead to a high-adrenaline arrhythmia episode causing cardiac arrest. The chance of vaccine myocarditis scarring and subsequent arrhythmic predisposition is much greater than the chance of Commotio Cordis absent vaccine cardiac injury. Commotio Cordis is very rare in his age range, non-projectile Commotio Cordis even rarer, vaccine myocardial scarring is very common to them, the hit on the play was not a major chest blow, and the Buffalo Bills have stated that they are 100% vaccinated. Had he suffered onset of ventricular arrythmia at the time of chest impact it is unlikely he could have finished a tackle, let alone gotten to his feet after the play. The most likely diagnosis from the little certainty we have is vaccine-induced myocardial scarring leading to high-adrenaline arrhythmia. But he only reason for this uncertainty should be the player’s or his family’s desire for privacy. The CDC, FDA or NIH can and should address this. Cardiac MRI looking for late gadolinium enhancement, review of mis medical records including vaccine records and response to those, or autopsy in the horrific even he should pass, should be offered by the government for free, if not because the most likely diagnosis is vaccine induced myocardial injury, then for the sake of easing the population’s fears. The failure to do so will be more telling than the results.”

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Bill Clinton said famously: “It’s the economy, stupid, it’s the economy!” Dr. Paul Elias Alexander is saying: “It’s the vaccine, stupid, it’s the vaccine!” The media is trying with relentless coverage to deflect you from where the discussion should be. You must think carefully now…
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Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter
Massoullié et al.: "Sudden cardiac death risk in contact sports increased by myocarditis: a case series"; does this case series tell us that Bills Hamlin's cardiac arrest on the field was myocarditis?
SOURCE: COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber…
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Sanjay Verma, MD FACC, Interventional Cardiologist:

i) Myocarditis after vaccination against COVID; Why mandated COVID vaccination polices in schools and universities are unethical

ii) Myocarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination; The Stupefying and Humbling True Magnitude


Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter
Le Vu et al.: "Age and sex-specific risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 messenger RNA vaccines"; increased risks of myocarditis and pericarditis during the first week following
SOURCE: COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. ‘Cases of myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported following the receipt of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. As vaccination camp…
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In this peer reviewed French study, the authors evaluated national hospital discharge data for myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination compared to unvaccinated controls. Compared to CDC’s reliance on VAERS this French study performs a more comprehensive analysis. The analysis indicates the risk of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination was 8 times greater than unvaccinated controls for BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) and and 30 times greater than unvaccinated controls for mRNA-1273 (Moderna). By comparison history of SARS-CoV2 infection yielded a 9 times greater risk of myocarditis than controls.’

Myocarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination; The Stupefying and Humbling True Magnitude