Geert Vanden Bossche and innate immunity; I have been writing about this and Geert is my mentor, I confess, and so I wish to add to the recent stack I put out on the UK and Scottish vaccine data

by Paul Alexander

Shocking UK and Scottish data drives this debate about the vaccines; I put out this recent substack and wanted to update it even further to enrich the discussion by adding views by GVB

‘The reality is that high rates of severe disease (i.e., hospitalization, ICU, death) as well as morbidity in all persons with a suppressed innate immune system, i.e., vaccinated and even unvaccinated persons…

The tragedy is that all vaccinated persons who have gotten 2 or 3 doses are at elevated risk and problems will emerge in those who got vaccinated before exposure e.g. their natural innate immune systems did not get exposed to the virus or whose innate immune system is intrinsically naïve/ antibody-inexperienced (low-affinity Abs). This heightens the risk of morbidity and mortality e.g.

i) in countries with very aggressive immunization campaigns and it is not the level/rate of vaccine but the aggressiveness of the roll-out (i.e., many folks vaccinated before they got naturally exposed; so GVB advises that we be cognizant of the UK, US and, of course, Israel),

ii) in freshly boosted individuals and unfortunately

iii) in very young children who got vaccinated

The pandemic is over and will remain so only if these inept idiots do not force mass vaccination. This can cause a catastrophic reaction from the virus and thinking it is ‘over’ will be quickly reversed. It is fool hardy by these morons to think that they can get to herd immunity with these non-sterilizing vaccines that do not cut the chain of transmission. As a result of the mass vaccination in the midst of a pandemic using a sub-optimal vaccine (with infectious pressure and sub-optimal vaccine immune pressure), we are seeing the role of natural selection and an increase in viral infectiousness and transmissibility and resistance to previously neutralizing vaccinal antibodies.

The population-level immune pressure is now no longer on viral infectivity but on virulence (and as such why Omicron is so mild). GVB has a view that is very revealing e.g. involving enhanced infectiousness + enhanced transmissibility + enhanced virulence that will not materialize in those whose innate immune defense got decently trained/learning and is not compromised by the vaccines or other severe innate immune compromising conditions.’

My initial substack that spurns the additional discussion above:

New Zealand today with infection/cases, told them over 1.5 years ago, NZ, do not lock down so hard & tight & too long; you deny your nation natural immunity; good news is OMI is mild but numbers game

They did not listen, as did Australia & most nations; thought Jay, Martin, Risch, Sunetra, Scott, & I were the band plays on now...they should open up full, use early treatment

Dr. Paul Alexander

12 hr ago

It is actually turning out tremendously beneficial that poorer nations did not have access to these vaccines, they have fared better, not the deaths of the vaccinated insane west.

Use these drugs as prophylaxis etc. and early treatment to reduce the infectious pressure and also reduce severe illness and death…numbers game they caused…

I place India too to show you the power of no lockdowns and early treatment drugs…and power of natural immunity…OMI has not behaved like in other nations who have near 100% vaccinated populations. The question is why? Why have poorer nations fared so well and they have far less vaccination levels? African etc. Why? We told these idiots in these western nations this and I am angry for their polices have killed many and now beyond the devastating lockdowns now we have failed and unsafe vaccines.

All we needed I said and those named above 2 years ago, and we were smeared and slandered as if we wanted to kill people…but we said plainly, strongly protect the vulnerable FIRST, then you open up the rest of society, no lockdowns, no school closures etc…use early treatment as needed for high risk and PSAs on vit D and body weight…we told them, I certainly did and even Fauci would not listen while at HHS…

I reinsert a piece I wrote a week or so ago to ensure you are updated but this was posted prior by me, where I included up to the current week 9 data by UK (note Scotland is now with holding data, its too ‘inconvenient’ as it shows same as England/UK):

Devastating week 9 UK PHE COVID infection and death data; look at the data, look at the impact on the viral dynamics of continuous infectious pressure up against mounting sub-optimal immune pressure

I have included weeks 5, 6, 7, and 8 to compare to the current week 9; do you see any pattern? We see for week 9 relative to week 8, across all vaccinated & unvaccinated, there is infection decline

Dr. Paul Alexander

Mar 5


OK, so let us try to look at the data to make some sense of it, to let it tell us a story.

Week, 9, 2022

Week 9

We see that infection risk is declined across all age-groups week 8 to 9. Why? We see the same pattern for infection for the prior weeks too? Why? This goes back to what I had shared in a prior post and I confess I have developed appreciation from my study of Dr. Vanden Bossche’s thinking. I will explain it in a manner stripping away the complex aspects that I too get confused over;-) …so here goes:

As to the vaccinated (2nd column from the left, persons in receipt of the 3rd booster in week 9, 8, 7 etc.), the theory is (and likely what is happening) that by vaccinating with the current mRNA vaccines that induces antibodies (Ab) to the original Wuhan strain, then the vaccine cannot hit the current dominant omicron (OMI) variant. There is resistance of OMI spike to the vaccinal Abs and due to this resistance, the natural innate immunity, and specifically the innate Abs, are no longer subverted and outcompeted by the vaccinal Abs. Remember, vaccinal Abs are high affinity and more specific than the low affinity and specific innate Abs (though very potent and broad); thus if the neutralizing vaccinal Abs can no longer outcompete the innate Abs, then the innate Abs are ‘set free’ and over time (across weeks, as seen here), regains its functional capacity to eliminate the virus (sterilize the virus).

We know that the vaccinal Abs cannot stop infection or transmission. As such, there is reduced infection across age-groups as time passes given the resistance to the vaccinal Abs. In other words, populations are benefitting from the resistance of the OMI variant to the vaccinal Abs by now unleashing (freeing up) the innate Abs to sterilize the virus (stopping infection etc.). The issue is if we go forward with Pfizer’s OMI specific vaccine, we will destroy this resistance and destroy this improved innate Abs functional capacity and this will cause very severe illness. Why? Because the vaccinal Abs will outcompete the innate Abs for the antigen, but remember, the vaccinal Abs cannot sterilize the virus (does not stop infection or transmission) and so while it will still bind to the virus if an OMI specific vaccine is made, it cannot sterilize (stop infection etc.). The vaccinal Abs in this case actually facilitates the entry of virus into the susceptible host cells and this can be catastrophic. This is ADE.

With regards to the 3rd column from the left (the unvaccinated), we again see the declines in infection across age groups. Why? And this decline is being seen across time, week by week. We speculate that persons who are not vaccinated and due to constant exposure, are allowing their innate immunity to be ‘trained’. Remember, it is the natural innate immunity (our first line of immune defense before the natural acquired-adaptive system kicks in if the innate is breached), that is potent and usually handles coronaviruses and influenza. This ‘training’ of innate Abs etc. puts them in a position whereby they are better able to compete with the vaccinal Abs and not be readily outcompeted for the antigen. This yields better protection from the innate Abs across time in the unvaccinated. This is what we are seeing in the data with the declines in infection in the unvaccinated.

Week 8, 2022

Week 8

UK COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 7 17 February 2022

Week 7

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 6 10 February 2022

Week 6:

COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report Week 5 3 February 2022

Week 5


Did you observe the pattern? It is very interesting and eye-opening. What is your view on why this is happening?