Bob Balayone: Aug 25, 2023, “Alberta woman dies after being denied transplant for refusing to get COVID vaccine. Sheila Annette Lewis refused the COVID-19 vaccine, and was denied a lifesaving organ

by Paul Alexander

transplant; July 21, 2023, “Sudbury man refused kidney transplant due to vaccination status dies. Garnet Harper, 35, leaves behind wife & 5 children” Canada has not only fallen, we have reached hell

‘Injustice & Inhumanity

Aug 25, 2023, “Alberta woman dies after being denied transplant for refusing to get COVID vaccine. Sheila Annette Lewis refused the COVID-19 vaccine, and was denied a lifesaving organ transplant

July 21, 2023, “Sudbury man refused kidney transplant due to vaccination status dies. Garnet Harper, 35, leaves behind a wife and five children”

Canada has not only fallen, we have reached the depths of hell. Humanity has fallen into absolute darkness, the fall from God’s grace continues.

Regarding Sheila Lewis’ circumstances;

- approved lung transplant recipient

- later denied, not covid vaccinated

- denied life by politicians

- denied life by doctors

- denied life by courts

Blood on their hands:

- Alberta Health Services bureaucracy

- College of Physicians and Surgeons

- all doctors involved in decision

- Alberta Justice system

- Alberta Government

- NDP opposition

- Alberta MLAs

- Federal MPs

Six steps to political, bureaucratic and judicial homicide:

1. Covid-19, proven to be a very treatable, low risk virus

2. Covid vaccines, proven to be futile, harmful and lethal

3. November 10, 2021 meeting, prior to children being vaccinated. Nine Alberta UCP MLAs met with:

Dr Malone (inventor of mRNA tech)

Dr Alexander (advised Trump after the ousting Anthony Fauci)

Dr Hodkinson (Alberta’s own medical expert)

Dr Alexander and Dr. McCullough, prepared to travel to Alberta to meet with UCP Government, MLAs and AHS bureaucrats.

4. I ran in the Brooks Medicine Hat by-election;

I approached Danielle Smith about meeting with Dr Alexander and Dr McCullough;

Before I could get two words out about why I wanted to speak with her;

Smith, “Hey, I’m in conversation with Dr Alexander and Dr McCullough.”

Me, “What? Really?!”

Smith, “Yes”

Me, “Well, that's the purpose of me coming over to speak with you! I was just talking with Paul!”

Smith, “Oh…”

In a second conversation with Danielle Smith; “When are you going to shut down covid vaccines? You know they’re killing people!” She replied, “I know…” Danielle Smith admitted to knowing the covid vaccines are killing people, and yet the Alberta government continues to administer them and denied Sheila Lewis access to life saving surgery.

Danielle Smith lied a second time. During and all candidates forum, Smith talked about how her “team was in discussions with Dr McCullough and Dr Alexander,” lying to all Albertans,

5. During the election Smith made a commitment to Sheila about intervening in AHS’ decision. Following the election, Smith reneged, sided with AHS in rejecting Sheila’s lung transplant operation, for choosing not to take a lethal injection.

6. The deception and political theater needs to stop. It's costing lives.

UCP/CPC lifetime political operatives say, ‘We can only fix things when’:

“we get rid of Kenney”

“we vote in new regional constituency/riding boards”

“We vote in enough UCP Provincial Board members”

“after the leadership race”

“after Danielle Smith wins the by-election”

“after the UCP win the Provincial election”

“After the fall 2023 UCP AGM…”

Wait for it…”After we vote out Smith”

On July 20, 2023, Moderna Bio Pharma lobbied Premier Smith, Alberta Legislative Assembly, Executive Council, Alberta Health.

Homicide and genocide in Canada, at the hands of politicians, bureaucrats and the justice system? Yes.

In memory of Sheila and Garnet…

“Sheila Lewis was a real true believer in fighting for personal rights and freedoms”

“A hero to many, Garnet stood for those who couldn’t stand, spoke for those without a voice, and protected those who didn’t know they needed it.”

God bless those who defend truth, freedom and justice.

Rest in peace.

This Sunday I’ll be doing a FB live, sharing evidence and information which I speak to in this communication. Emails, video, and texts included.’

Support Bob.