BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants of Omicron are more infectious than BA.2; so far no evidence it is lethal; it will evade vaccine & may breach innate & give natural acquired immunity and immune rechallenge

by Paul Alexander

No evidence BA.4 and BA.5; it increases infections but does not translate into increased or huge hospitalizations or deaths; so calm down everyone at this time; get back to focused protection


i)strongly protect the vulnerable first in private homes and nursing homes (long-term congregated facilities); this reduces the risk of hospitalization or death by 85%-90%

ii)we use oral-nasal washes (lavages) such as povidone iodine or hydrogen peroxide as the virus is killed in the nasal or oral passages before it can do damage (nasal spray, oral swish and spit, 1:10 dilution)

iii)we put out PSAs on vitamin D supplements (1000 IU per 32 pounds), need for sunlight, and body weight control to reduce risk from obesity; we look after our diet and lifestyle and engage in healthier living

iv)we ensure hospitals are ramped up and they must be, as they have had 2 years and trillions $ in tax payer money already so no excuse from them about being ‘strained’, that would be a blatant lie

v)we use chemo-prophylaxis anti-virals to reduce the infectious pressure and as a preventative; we also use anti-virals to eliminate the virus in the early viral replication phase with corticosteroids to calm the immune inflammatory response and anti-coagulants/anti-platelets to cut the risk of stroke (micro thrombi)

vi) and most importantly, we allow the vast majority of healthy low-risk infants, children, teens, young adults, middle aged persons etc. to live largely free lives with no lockdowns, or school closures, or mask mandates; taking reasonable precautions, unfettered with as little disruption as possible

vii)we end all mandates and we lift all emergency declarations as there is no basis given the pandemic emergency is long over

And we live life, free and prosperous as before January 2020, with our liberties, freedoms, rights re-established.


I sent this to publish:


Emerging reports are that BA.4 and BA.5 lineage sub-variants of Omicron coronavirus are more infectious than BA.2 with no evidence it is more lethal

Once again, we are faced with reports of new sub-variants of Omicron. We, Vanden Bossche, Alexander, Malone, Oskoui, Tenenbaum, Cole, Urso, McCullough, Risch et al. have been warning that continued use of an injection/vaccine/inoculation/gene delivery platform that is sub-optimal, one that does not stop infection, replication, or transmission and as such does not cut the chain of transmission, will never arrive at herd immunity.

We have also warned against the application of an injection that is non-sterilizing and non-neutralizing for it will not eliminate the virus and it will only serve to place tremendous immune pressure on the infectiousness of the virus, in this case the spike protein (RBDs). This will only result in natural selection 'selecting' the most evolutionarily 'fittest' infectious and 'competitively advantaged' variant (s) forward to be enriched in the environment and to become the new dominant variant. The danger is while more infectious, there is the chance of one variant being selected forward that is also highly lethal/pathogenic to humanity.

There is no evidence thus far that BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants are lethal, and emerging indications are that it increases infections but does not translate into increased or huge hospitalizations or deaths. As such, we are to remain composed and get back to focused protection based on an age-risk stratified approach to protection and management.

I am writing this short op-ed with a plan of action as more infectious variants emerge such as BA.4 and BA.5 that could/would supplant BA.2 (the current dominant sub-variant):

It is optimal if we:

i)strongly protect the vulnerable first in private homes and nursing homes (long-term congregated facilities, assisted living facilities); this reduces the risk of hospitalization or death by 85%-90%

ii)we use oral-nasal washes (lavages) such as povidone iodine or hydrogen peroxide (sodium hypochlorite) as the virus is killed in the nasal or oral passages before it can do damage (nasal spray, oral swish and spit, 1:10 dilution, note, this must be diluted and not swallowed)

iii)we put out PSAs on vitamin D supplements (1000 IU per 32 pounds/15 kg), need for sunlight, and body weight control to reduce risk from over-weight or obesity; we look after our diet and lifestyle and engage in healthier living

iv)we ensure hospitals are ramped up and they must be at this time, as they have had 2 years and trillions $ in tax payer money already so no excuse from them about being ‘strained’

v)we use chemo-prophylaxis anti-virals to reduce the infectious pressure and as a preventative; we also use anti-virals to eliminate the virus in the early viral replication phase with corticosteroids to calm the immune inflammatory response and anti-coagulants/anti-platelets to cut the risk of stroke (micro thrombi); we use the early treatment in a combined sequenced model based on clinician preferences, the existing patient, and availability

vi) and most importantly, we allow the vast majority of healthy low-risk infants, children, teens, young adults, middle aged persons etc. to live largely free lives with no lockdowns, or school closures, or mask mandates; taking reasonable precautions, unfettered with as little disruption as possible

vii)we end all mandates and we lift all emergency declarations as there is no basis given the pandemic emergency is long over; it is time to declare the pandemic and emergency over

And we live life, free and prosperous as before January/March 2020, with our liberties, freedoms, rights re-established.