mRNA COVID gene injection may have killed Canadian Chief of Emergency Medicine, Dr. Hannam, (North York General), prior Olympian, & Marathon Runner; about 42 years old (reports); dies suddenly on run
by Paul Alexander
Dr. Paul Hannam, Chief of Emergency Medicine; Fit, healthy, & fully vaxxed. But no autopsy for Dr. Hannam? Was there pericarditis or myocarditis or blood clots or bleeding? Is this not suspicious???
Is there not an obligation for an autopsy in any death that is suspicious? For the good of society it is important we know what is happening here? Given the devastation with these COVID gene injections. Sudden death in seemingly high level athletic persons is a huge problem as it is occurring much too frequently now in the era of these COVID injections, and we need this understood especially to see if this is acute myocarditis etc. or similar and could be vaccine linked.
Are there dramatic increases in these sudden deaths? Post COVID vaccine? Cardiac linked? The reporting says yes. We no doubt need this definitively answered in comparative effectiveness research yet the societal reports are as strong and definitive to me. We each are now knowing someone harmed or died from these shots, and often young and suddenly and always just post shot.
So Dr. Howard Owens Emergency physician, Chief Medical Strategy Officer, Sinai Health System is out of the gates fast to spin and bullshit the public, with no autopsy, of a young healthy male, who is vaxxed, he is saying ‘nothing to see here, not due to vaccine’…but he does not know this. No clue. Something stinks here.
Here is how the cover-up is going and it may be that he died of natural causes, but I argue we cannot say that today due to this COVID injection and especially the mRNA Pfizer and Moderna shots. You may not want to get there yet, but we were all lied to, deceived, there was never any need for these shots and healthy people now pay the price for an unsafe vaccine.
The art of a spin: