Roomba was just purchased by AMAZON; be warned, this is potentially dangerous from a privacy aspect; it allows AMAZON to map interior of your home now! The implications for crime etc. in wrong hands

by Paul Alexander

“With Ring, Alexa and now Roomba, Amazon tracks EVERYTHING that happens inside your house (even who visits you),”; the device creates a map of your home to tell the device how to operate


“Ron Knox, a researcher at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, said Amazon’s purchase of iRobot “may be the most dangerous, threatening acquisition in the company’s history,” adding that it “is bad EVEN IF you’re only worried about whether the deal will hurt competition.”

“From a privacy perspective, this is a nightmare,” he added. “From an antitrust perspective, this is one of the most powerful data collection companies on Earth acquiring another vast and intrusive set of data. This is how privacy concerns and antitrust go hand in hand.”