Dow Jones near 1,300-point drop, stocks record worst day; 1.3 trillion $ drop; SINGLE moms are decimated; US Army point soldiers to food stamps; inflation food price highest since 1979
by Paul Alexander
inflation now 8.3% and if we modelled similar to 1980s, inflation would be 16-17%; Biden really is so clued out and his administration knows because he does not understand what he says, 'he can say it
Single mothers are hardest hit by the inflation and rising costs even while holding down a job. Devastating single mothers. They cannot make ends meet and Biden is in la la land. I am convinced listening him today he has no idea where he is or what he is saying. They dress him up, put on the aviators and roll him out. Had he understood the reality in the nation, and what he is saying, he would not say it. He can say the stuff he says because he is unaware of what he is saying. He has the type of mental deficit where every word must be written on a prompter for him to read. He cannot initiate sentences on his own. It must be written.
Dow books near 1,300-point drop as stocks record worst day
The U.S. Army has released guidance for soldiers as they fight inflation, including a suggestion that they take advantage of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly known as food stamps.
Inflation has infected every part of society. As a result, the prices for everything have skyrocketed. Not one person nor a single business is immune to inflation’s permeating effects. Even in a strong labor market where some companies, like Costco, have raised wages to attract new workers, Inflation’s choking grip serves to nullify any benefits that would come from higher pay. In some way or another everyone is suffering. However, there are some feeling inflations effects much stronger than others. Single moms have been among the hardest hit.