Dr. William Makis (my friend & TWC colleague) shares same sentiments on the surge in myocarditis in infants now; it's the vaccine, stupid, it's the vaccine!! 'Two UK babies dead from myocarditis:

by Paul Alexander

total of 16 babies developed "severe myocarditis" in Wales & England, 8 ended up in intensive care. Can COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated mothers injure their babies? YES!'; see my prior substack & his (Makis)

Dr. Paul Alexander’s substack:

Dr. William Makis’s strong scholarship stack:

COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis
Two UK babies dead from myocarditis: total of 16 babies developed "severe myocarditis" in Wales & England, 8 ended up in intensive care. Can COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated mothers injure their babies? YES!
SOURCES: May 20, 2023 - WHO Warns Of 'Unusual' Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies - 15 UK newborns diagnosed with myocarditis May 17, 2023 - Daily Mail (UK): One baby dies and eight are left in intensive care after being struck down in 'unusual' cluster of usually-harmless infection…
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May 20, 2023 - WHO Warns Of 'Unusual' Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies - 15 UK newborns diagnosed with myocarditis

May 17, 2023 - Daily Mail (UK): One baby dies and eight are left in intensive care after being struck down in 'unusual' cluster of usually-harmless infection

Major NEWS out of UK:

This is a major international story. On Tuesday, May 16, 2023, the WHO issued an alert that there had been 15 newborns in the UK, 10 in Wales and 5 in England who were struck down with severe myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) from June 2022 to March 2023. (click here)

The cases occurred from June 2022 with a peak in November 2022 involving babies under 28 days old.

Out of the affected babies, one has died. Eight were treated in intensive care, where they were intubated, put on a ventilator and received circulatory support.

“Health chiefs were spooked by the 'unusual' spike in cases over such a short space of time, prompting a thorough investigation.”

According to Zerohedge: “in the same hospital (covering the South Wales region) over the previous six years, “only one other similar case has been identified.

Official explanation:

The UKHSA said it was “investigating the situation in England”.

PCR testing of nine of the children confirmed they had coxsackie B3 or B4 — types of enterovirus.

Dr. Christopher Williams, consultant epidemiologist for Public Health Wales, said: 'Enterovirus is a common infection of childhood, causing a range of infections.

It only affects the heart on very rare occasions. This cluster is unusual due to the number of cases reported in a relatively short time frame.

“Investigations are now ongoing in collaboration with the pediatric team in the children's hospital of Wales to understand the reasons why and to investigate any further cases that may be reported in the coming weeks and months.”

Another baby died of myocarditis, not part of the 15 UK newborns:

Another baby who is not included with the 15 newborns affected, also died of myocarditis. Joann Edwards from Mountain Ash in South Wales gave birth to Elijah on Feb.25, 2022 but within a few days of being at home, he became lethargic, developed jaundice and was taken to the hospital when he was a week old because he stopped feeding.

The baby was diagnosed with sepsis, myocarditis and died within days of hospitalization (click here)

Mrs. Edwards said her family has been ignored and was 'gobsmacked' after hearing about other cases as they were 'led to believe that we were a one-off'.

Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board is now probing Elijah's death.

What is going on?…

16 UK infants with myocarditis, 2 died, 8 in Intensive Care.

This is an extremely important story.

I don’t buy the official explanation. It’s very suspect. Of these 16 cases, 9 were allegedly diagnosed by PCR tests and all tested positive for enterovirus.

The problem is, we know that PCR tests were notorious for producing over 95% false positive results during the COVID-19 pandemic which were used to drive fear.

In reality, anyone can over-cycle these PCR tests to produce false positives for any virus, and you have the perfect cover-up.

And if the World Health Organization is involved, the probability of fraud and cover-up approaches 100%.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated mothers…

My first question is: were the 16 mothers COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated?

Given how aggressively COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were pushed on pregnant women, it is highly probable that they were. For the sake of argument, let’s assume they were.

My second question is: Can the mother’s COVID-19 vaccination cause myocarditis injury in her newborn infant and if so, how?

The short answer is: YES.