Coronavirus, influenza virus, Vaccination and IGE Cytokine storm; a perfect storm of doing harm; Patients who have received influenza vaccine & coronavirus vaccine have IGE mediated reactions, at risk

by Paul Alexander

upon exposure to the coronavirus antigen that drives the cytokine storm particularly in days 6-8 of the illness; Influenza vaccine increases coronavirus susceptibility by 36%; Irene Mavrakakis M. D.

‘Influenza vaccine increases coronavirus susceptibility by 36% according to this study: Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017–2018 influenza season, table 5 clearly shows this fact.

Table 5 Respiratory viruses and odds ratios by vaccination status.

‘The increase in coronavirus susceptibility is either because there is

antigenic contamination of the influenza vaccine with the genetic

sequence of coronavirus or the PCR test can not distinguish between

them. Influenza vaccination has not decreased death from influenza since

the inception of the yearly influenza public policy programs. Influenza

vaccinated patients also have an IGE mediated cytokine storm upon

exposure to the influenza antigen. Coronavirus vaccine has been shown to

increase the cytokine storm when the recipient is exposed to the

coronavirus antigen. The mechanism is IGE based. This is the reason for

the improvement in symptoms with allergy treating medications during day

6-8 of symptomatic COVID patients. In this article the mechanism is

explained. Influenza vaccines and dengue-like disease https://

"Last year's influenza vaccine also contained the same H3N2 strain as this

year's vaccine (A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)-like virus). Many people

would have developed long term IgE mediated sensitization to the H3N2

viral proteins due to last year's vaccine [1–4]. Those who received the

Flublok vaccine can be expected to have an even stronger IgE response

due to its 3X viral protein content [5,4]. This year's vaccine H3N2 proteins

would have been neutralized by these IgE antibodies. Thus resulting in the

observed low vaccine efficacy. [6] When a person making anti-H3N2 IgE is

infected with H3N2, one can expect the course of the flu to be significantly

worse. So the "cytokine storm" being observed in severe cases is likely to

be an infection concurrent with an allergic reaction. Death is caused by

anaphylactic shock but due to the presence of an infection, it is wrongly

classified as septic shock. In the case of food allergy for example, the

allergen exposure can be large enough to cause an immediate

hypersensitivity reaction and anaphylactic shock within minutes/hours. In

the case of influenza allergy, it may take a day or two for the virus to

replicate and produce enough viral exposure for anaphylaxis. So the

anaphylaxis unfolds over a couple of days. “Self-reported vaccination for

the current season was associated with a trend (P < 0.10) toward higher

viral shedding in fine-aerosol samples; vaccination with both the current

and previous year’s seasonal vaccines, however, was significantly

associated with greater fine-aerosol shedding in unadjusted and adjusted

models (P < 0.01). In adjusted models, we observed 6.3 (95% CI 1.9–21.5)

times more aerosol shedding among cases with vaccination in the current

and previous season compared with having no vaccination in those two

seasons.” [7] This result makes a lot of sense. When you have influenza

virus allergy and are infected, you have more mast cell degranulation,

more histamine, more mucus, more sneezing, more viral shedding.

Increased hospitalization rates have been observed in asthma patients that

have received the influenza vaccine. Again, this is as predicted because

asthma patients are likely to produce stronger IgE responses to the viral

proteins upon vaccination. [8] On subsequent virus exposure, they can be

expected to develop severe IgE mediated asthma. Consider dengue

infection. The initial mosquito bite that injects dengue virus into a person,

causes the induction of IgE against dengue proteins. [9] Upon a

subsequent bite that introduces the dengue virus again, the person

develops hives due to a dengue specific-IgE mediated allergic reaction. As

the infection (and thus allergic reaction) progresses and more histamine is

released, vascular permeability increases. The result is hypotension and

dengue shock syndrome. [10] Basically, a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction

caused upon dengue virus exposure following IgE mediated sensitization

to dengue viral proteins. The route of exposure for natural influenza

infection is the respiratory tract, not subcutaneous (SC) or intramuscular

(IM) injection. Influenza vaccines artificially changed the route of initial viral

protein exposure to SC or IM injection thus making it similar to the route of

exposure for dengue. The result is an IgE response to influenza proteins,

similar to the response for dengue. It should therefore not come as a

surprise that we are modifying the course of influenza infection such that it

is acquiring characteristics of a dengue infection (hives and shock). As a

result, allergy medications such as antihistamines and anaphylaxis

treatments may have to be considered to avoid or treat this man-made

influenza shock syndrome. "

To conclude, the injection of respiratory viral antigen or mrna that

produced respiratory viral antigen leads to primary sensitization via IGE.

Subsequent exposure to the antigen leads to an IGE mediated cytokine

storm. There is cross immunity between Coronavirus vaccine and influenza

vaccine with the coronavirus and influenza viral antigens. Treatment with

allergy medications has been implemented. One such protocol was

recently implemented by Dr. Chetty. An important additional medication for

this mechanism of illness is cromolyn sodium which is available in liquid

oral form and inhalation. It stabilizes mast cells and prevents the release of

histamine. This should be added to the armamentarium of medications


Irene Mavrakakis M. D.