mRNA technology based COVID injections are deadly & mRNA technology should have never been allowed: "Post COVID Vaccine Heart-Related Deaths Sharply Increase, Especially in Young Males"

by Paul Alexander

According to a recent study by Cedars Sinai, there was a nearly 30 percent increase in deaths from heart attacks in adults 25 to 44 years old during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

‘According to a recent study by Cedars Sinai, there was a nearly 30 percent increase in deaths from heart attacks in adults 25 to 44 years old during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.1 In the first year of the pandemic, the number of deaths due to heart attack increased by 14 percent from the previous year. However, this number skyrocketed to a 29.9 percent increase by the end of 2021.2 Marty Makary, MD, professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and oncology surgeon believes the sharp rise in heart attack deaths in the second year of the pandemic is due to widespread use of COVID shots and not solely caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself.3

Dr. Makary said:

We did not see the uptake before the vaccine was rolled out, but, young people were primarily affected around that same time as well. The state of Florida did their own study, looking at heart attacks after the vaccine in particular, and found that there was an 81 percent increase in sudden death from heart attacks in the months following the vaccine compared to baseline rates. So many people do believe that the vaccine is one of the causes of heart problems in young people.4

Florida Department of Health Warns Young Men About COVID-19 Shot Risks

In October 2022, the Florida Health Department released an analysis of the COVID shots, showing that there was an 84 percent increased risk of cardiac related deaths in men 18 to 39 years old, particularly within 28 days of getting vaccinated. The Florida Health Department amended its guidelines as follows:

Based on currently available data, patients should be informed of the possible cardiac complications that can arise after receiving a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac related death among men in this age group.5

Dr. Makary agrees with the Florida Health Department stating that healthy young adults, especially males, should not receive the COVID shots due to their link to myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) especially in young adults after the second shot. He maintains the data supports the theory that myocarditis is more common after the vaccine than after a SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Dr. Makary points out that young men are 28 times more likely to suffer from myocarditis after the shot compared to after having the viral infection, and that young men are nine times more likely to get myocarditis than young women. The long-term effects of myocarditis brought on from the COVID shots are not yet known.6

Dr. Makary explained why young adults should avoid the vaccine…

They have the lowest benefit from a vaccine because they are the lowest risk of any COVID complications. We still don’t know if any young, healthy person has ever died of COVID in the United States. The CDC won’t tell us, and they’ve never broken the data down by young people who are healthy versus had a comorbidity like leukemia or an immunosuppression condition.7

CDC Still Recommends COVID-19 Shots Despite the Risks

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cites that between December 2020 through August 2021 there have been 52.4 cases of myocarditis per one million after the second dose of Pfizer/BioNtech’s Comirnaty messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID biologic and 56.3 cases of myocarditis per million after Moderna/NIAID’s Spikevax mRNA COVID biologic. The CDC also reports that, as of Mar. 2, 2023, there have been 1,059 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis in young people under 18 years old made to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).8 Despite the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, the CDC still recommends the shots to everyone over the age of six months old.9

The actual number of heart-related adverse reactions to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine vaccine may be much higher. VAERS, which was established by Congress as part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, has been found to significantly underrepresent the true number of vaccine injuries. A 2011 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care report showed that fewer than one percent of all adverse vaccine reactions are reported.10 Consequently, the true number of young adults suffering from heart inflammation and heart attacks after the COVID shots may also be vastly underrepresented in VAERS and by federal health officials at the FDA and CDC., who are responsible for the operation of VAERS.

To search the VAERS database, go to, a user-friendly search engine sponsored by the charitable National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) that makes the details of adverse event reports made to VAERS easily accessible.

Previous Studies Reveal Risk of Myocarditis in Young Males Post COVID-19 Shots

Several studies have demonstrated a link between the COVID shots and heart inflammation. A March 2022 review of 14 studies showed that myocarditis occurred in 25-82 per million males 18 through 39 years old after the second Comirnaty (Pfizer) shot. Researchers speculate that the rates of myocarditis are higher after the second Spikevax (Moderna) shot as it has a larger amount of the spike protein than Comirnaty. More than 90 percent of myocarditis occurring after the COVID shots were reported in men between 20 and 29 years old.11

A 2021 Hong Kong population cohort study looking at the occurrence of myocarditis after COVID vaccination in adolescents showed that in an almost three-month period in 2021, 33 Chinese adolescents suffered from myocarditis/pericarditis post vaccination. Twenty-nine (87.8 percent) were male and four (12.12 percent) were female, with a median age of 15.25 years. Twenty-seven adolescents (81.8 percent) were diagnosed with myocarditis or pericarditis after getting the COVID second shot in the series, while six (18.1 percent) suffered heart inflammation after the first shot.

The rate of myocarditis/pericarditis was 18.5 percent per 100,000 vaccinated individuals. The authors concluded that there is a significant risk of developing myocarditis/pericarditis after receiving a COVID shot.12

A May 2022 Israeli study showed that there was a 25 percent increase in cardiovascular related emergency calls made by young adults between 16 to 39 years old from 2019 to 2021 after the roll out of the COVID shots. Researchers did not find a comparable increase in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in young adults due to SARS-CoV-2 infection alone. Contrary to other studies, this study found an increase in cardiac events for females as well as males, after COVID shots in this age group.13


BioNTech, cardiac arrest, Carolyn Hendler, CDC, Cedars Sinai, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Comirnaty, COVID-19, Florida Health Department, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, heart attack, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Marty Makary,, Moderna, mRNA, National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, National Vaccine Information Center, NIAID, NVIC, Pfizer, SARS-CoV-2, Spikevax, The Vaccine Reaction, Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, VAERS