Boucau & Siedner et al.: "New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM): Unvaccinated COVID Patients Are Contagious for LESS Time Than those Vaxed or Boosted"; so why the hell did we take the COVID vaccine?

by Paul Alexander

Found no significant difference by vaccination status (unvaccinated, vaccinated or boosted) in time from a first positive test until PCR testing or viral cultures from nasal specimens became negative


“we did not find large differences in the median duration of viral shedding among participants who were unvaccinated, those who were vaccinated but not boosted, and those who were vaccinated and boosted.”

the median duration of infectiousness (potential to pass on the virus) - as measured by the ability to grow virus in culture from nasal samples - was seven days among the unvaccinated, and six days among both the vaccinated and boosted groups, according to one of the study authors.

There were also no differences between groups in the proportion with a positive viral culture at 10 days, study co-author Mark Siedner, MD, of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, told Reuters. “In all three groups, less than 10% were still culture positive at that time,” he said by email.

“Our data do not suggest that vaccinated people recover more slowly from COVID-19,” Siedner added. “Quite the contrary: we found no significant difference by vaccination status (unvaccinated, vaccinated or boosted) in the time from a first positive test until PCR testing or viral cultures from nasal specimens became negative.”