Did Nuovo et al. show that the spike protein 'on its own, by itself' is dangerously pathological and can induce endothelial damage (cardiovascular damage)? Yes! In 'Endothelial cell damage is the
by Paul Alexander
central part of COVID-19, mouse model induced by injection of S1 subunit of spike protein'; 13/13 mice brains from fatal COVID, pseudovirions (spike, envelope & membrane proteins) were present
‘In 13/13 brains from fatal COVID-19, pseudovirions (spike, envelope, and membrane proteins without viral RNA) were present in the endothelia of microvessels ranging from 0 to 14 positive cells/200× field (mean 4.3).’
Researchers reported that the ‘pseudovirions strongly co-localized with caspase-3, ACE2, IL6, TNFα, and C5b-9. The surrounding neurons demonstrated increased NMDAR2 and neuronal NOS plus decreased MFSD2a and SHIP1 proteins. Tail vein injection of the full length S1 spike subunit in mice led to neurologic signs (increased thirst, stressed behavior) not evident in those injected with the S2 subunit. The S1 subunit localized to the endothelia of microvessels in the mice brain and showed co-localization with caspase-3, ACE2, IL6, TNFα, and C5b-9. The surrounding neurons showed increased neuronal NOS and decreased MFSD2a.’
‘It is concluded that ACE2+ endothelial damage is a central part of SARS-CoV2 pathology and may be induced by the spike protein alone.’